Online Training: Fact Checking and Managing Change

By Martha Spizziri
ASBPE Web Editor

Two online training programs have recently caught my eye:

Tomorrow afternoon, News University is offering a one-hour webinar titled Managing Change: Five Steps to Success. Topics to be addressed include (direct quote from the course description):

• Ways to overcome the “learning anxiety” that plagues new technology/new media initiatives

• Strategies for reducing stress and conflict during change

Who couldn’t use help with that? The cost is about $40 — $30 if you’ve taken a webinar from them before — so it’s a minimal investment of time and money.

Media Bistro is offering a four-week online course on fact checking. It starts April 16. It’s promoted as a class for people interested in being freelance fact checkers and perhaps using that as a stepping stone to becoming a reporter, but given that many B2B editors didn’t start out as journalists, this could be helpful training. I’ve heard of very few B2B publications that make fact checking part of their editing process. I’m planning to take the course, though. Look for a future post (or two) with thoughts on fact-checking and B2B.

Update, 3/12/08: The NewsU “Managing Change” webinar will be replayed in a few weeks. The replay will include the PowerPoint and the audio presentation. NewsU also plans to offer this Webinar again in June. To find out the exact dates of the repeats, check the NewsU course list or register with the site to get email notifications about upcoming webinars.

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