Value-Added Blogging

By Tonie AuerDFW Chapter President. I’m on a few different email distribution lists and sometimes I get useful information and other times, I’m simply hitting delete. More often than not, I don’t have time to read them. The … read more

What in the World is a Magazine Editor?

By Tonie AuerDFW Chapter President A day in the life of a journalist is seldom routine or boring. I find myself switching gears from covering the construction industry in Texas to commercial real estate nationwide. And, then there … read more

B2B Writing in a Crummy Economy

By Tonie AuerDFW Chapter President Just last week I was part of a conference call informing me that the publication I’ve been writing for since October 2005 has virtually eliminated all of its editorial staff. Now, what had … read more

Feeling Positive Amongst the Negatives

By Tonie Auer DFW Chapter President Our industry is hurting, and I’m not talking about media and journalism alone, but also B2B publishing. Two of my dear friends and former editors were laid off just a few weeks … read more

ASBPE National Blog: A Look at 2008

By Tonie AuerDFW Chapter President/National Blog Chairwoman Looking back on our first full year of our ASBPE national blog, I think we’ve seen some wonderful firsts. We’ve had some incredible guest bloggers with big names from Harry McCracken … read more

Another Nail in the Coffin

By Tonie AuerDFW Chapter President/National Blog Chairwoman Some days I feel like the dinosaurs I remember instructing me in college. I refer fondly to my old J-school professors as the men who shaped me and guided me in … read more

Articles Worth Reading

By Tonie AuerDFW Chapter President/National Blog Chairwoman Thanksgiving has left most of us anxious for the winter holidays and the fun that goes with the Christmas music, the lights of the menorahs and visiting with family and friends. … read more

Blogs Worthy of Your Time

By Tonie AuerDFW Chapter President/National Blog Chairwoman What makes one blog more worthy of your valuable reading time over another blog? John Brandon over at Computerworld talks about his criteria for a good blog and then goes on … read more

Teach Your Children Well

By Tonie AuerDFW Chapter President/National Blog Chairwoman I keep humming the Crosby, Stills and Nash (was Young there still?) tune when thinking about this blog post title. But the song just entered my brain and hasn’t left after … read more