How edgy are your business cards?

By Tonie AuerASBPE Blog Committee Chairwoman and DFW Chapter President Yoni Greenbaum at “editor on the verge” blogged about the concept of keeping in touch with sources and being accessible as a writer to the public. He has … read more

Dealing with experts

By Dolores W. GregoryCopy EditorBNA Tax & Accounting BNA State Tax & Accounting relies heavily on the contributions of outside authors. For my product, the Multistate Tax Report, articles by tax attorneys and accountants are a regular monthly … read more

Azbee Awards Deadline Approaching

A new submission process designed to save time and money and make the Azbee Awards of Excellence submission process more efficient was developed. This process allows ASBPE to accept complete electronic entries for our annual competition, for the … read more

Training for crisis

AlertNet, Reuters’ humanitarian news network, has launched a training video for journalists covering conflicts and disasters. The video highlights AlertNet for Journalists, a toolkit including crisis briefings, aid agency news feeds, interactive training and more. While most of … read more

A Pulitzer’s Gold Chronicle

By Roy Harris Past National President Senior Editor, CFO A Pulitzer’s Gold Chronicle: Writing a Book? Be Prepared, like Dr. Frankenstein, to Deal with a Creation with a Life of Its Own.Admit it, we’ve all thought about it: … read more

Making Time for Print and Online

Ask any trade editor about their biggest concern with integrating online media into their work and odds are they’ll tell you that they have a hard time writing for print and online. I asked Dan Blank, Director of … read more

How to post more content on the web

By Katy Tomasulo At last summer’s ASBPE National Editorial Conference — which covered a range of topics about Web 2.0 — two things stood out for me the most. First was the widespread bewilderment among B2B editors about … read more

Getting Things Done

By Steven RollASBPE President Like most people, I begin each year by making several resolutions relating to productivity. I often resolve to get more exercise by doing my morning run at 5 am. This year I did it … read more