2009 Digital Azbee Call for Entries Reminder

The time is right for entering the only digital competition exclusively for B2B editorial, sponsored by ASBPE, your nonprofit professional editorial association. The deadline has been extended by a week. New submission deadline: Sept. 15. Enter online now. … read more

SEO Best Practices

By Maureen Alley The practice of search engine optimization is foreign to some journalists. Though it is a growing practice with some publishing houses that require their journalists to implement SEO on their websites, its still leaves some … read more

Raising the Barr (Award)

By Roy HarrisASBPE Foundation President When jurors for this year’s Stephen Barr Award selected American Farriers Journal editor Frank Lessiter — for his remarkable series on equine abuse, a shameful but little-known part of competitions among “gaited horses” … read more

What is the Future of B2B Publication Editing?

http://www.youtube.com/v/HCHVwqRlNK4&hl=en&fs=1& The ASBPE National conference in Washington, D.C. last month was a resounding success. Even more so, given the current economic climate in which many associations have had to cancel their annual gatherings. Sessions at the conference examined: … read more

Wharton Seminar for Business Journalists

APPLY NOW: Wharton Seminar for Business Journalists Each year, the National Press Foundation offers two all-expense-paid fellowships to working print and broadcast journalists for the annual Wharton Seminar for Business Journalists, which takes place in October of each … read more

2009 Digital Azbees Call for Entries

The time is right for entering the only digital competition exclusively for B2B editorial,sponsored by ASBPE, your nonprofit, professional editorial association. Submission deadline: Sept. 1 8/31/09 update: New deadline is Sept. 15, 2009. Enter online now. Why enter … read more

Where Is B2B as U.S. Gets Reinvented?

By Thomas R. TeminMedia and Government Consulting If you read the daily, traditional media, you might believe these “facts”: 50 million Americans have no access to health care. The cap-and-trade system being debated in Congress will help the … read more

Winning Standards, Despite Challenges

By Amy Florence Fischbach2009 Awards Competition Chair Publications are still meeting their readers’ needs for useful, timely, and in-depth information. The 2009 Print Azbees prove it. Despite the challenges of working with streamlined staffs and fewer resources, award-winning … read more