Will native advertising’s popularity be short-lived?

Will native advertising’s popularity be short-lived? Many marketing gurus declare that sponsored content’s latest variation has a bright future. But detractors are not so sure for several reasons. Blogger Kirk Cheyfitz recently made a compelling case in an … read more

Science/Technology Writers and Editors – TechLink

TechLink is seeking to create a roster of writers and editors through a Request For Proposal (RFP) to research, write or edit, and deliver to TechLink success stories and/or other technical or scientific stories for Department of Defense technology transfer programs. … read more

Staying Valuable In A Changing Industry

By Jeff Gelski Jim Lucy sometimes jokes that he considers himself a company – J.L. Enterprises – as he works to keep his skills and value relevant in the ever-changing business-to-business publishing industry. “If you do that, you’re probably … read more

Last Chance To Enter The Tabbie Awards

By Paul Heney You have one last chance to get out your 2013 issues and decide on your best work over the past year. The Tabbies, the international B2B publication awards competition, is accepting nominations through Tuesday, April … read more

The Passing Of A Publishing Giant

By Mark Schlack On March 19, 2014, Pat McGovern died after a long and storied 50+ year career in publishing. He was the founder and owner of International Data Group, one of the prime movers in the technology … read more