Winner of the 2013 ASBPE design competition

Winner of the 2013 ASBPE design competition I am very happy to present Roger Greiner, winner of the 2013 ASBPE certificate competition, winning $100 and a free membership with all it’s benefits in ASBPE. Roger graduated from the … read more

ASBPE 2013 National Editorial Conference

ASBPE 2013 National Editorial Conference The Future is Now: B2B Re-Imagined for the 21st Century This year, attendees can look forward to a variety of outstanding programs and speakers, including a keynote by Paul Conley on B2B Re-Imagined … read more

Azbee Awards 2013: Finalists Announced!

Azbee Awards 2013: Finalists Announced! Now that the entry processing and judging are complete, we are pleased to announce that the finalists for the 2013 Azbee Awards have been selected! Download the PDF to view the list of … read more