Join ASBPE for a half-day boot camp for media professionals, freelancers, or anyone wanting to learn about tips on improving B2B web coverage! Sessions will include out-of-the-box storytelling concepts and strategies, and building multimedia content, such as videos, graphics and mixed media pieces, in under five minutes using apps on your iPhone.
Date: October 21, 2015
Time: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM CDT

Google Fiber Event Space
1814 Westport Road
Kansas City, MO 64111
Early-bird registration prices:
$20 for members of ASBPE, PRSA, IABC, SMCKC or FX
$40 for non-members
$10 for students with valid ID
Late registration prices (After Monday October 12th, 2015):
$35 for members of ASBPE, PRSA, IABC, SMCKC or FX
$55 for non-members
$15 for students with valid ID
Breakfast and networking will be from 8-8:30 a.m. The Boot Camp sessions will include:
– presented by Ron Green, executive director, KC DigiStory Center
Creative Storytelling in a Digital Age
– presented by Sarah Redohl, editor at Business Times Co., and instructor at the University of Missouri School of Journalism
Apps to Tell Compelling Stories in Less than 5 Minutes
– presented by Sarah Redohl, editor at Business Times Co., and instructor at the University of Missouri School of Journalism
Define, Measure and Achieve Social Media Objectives
– presented by Dustin Jacobsen, Founder and Chief Strategy Officer at Flat Square Technology Group
Following the last session, we encourage you to join us for an optional networking lunch at a nearby restaurant.