B2B Publishing: Time to Fear?

By Tonie AuerDFW Chapter President and National Blog Chairwoman Sometimes, ignorance really is bliss. There are times when I feel like knowing too much information can be scary. I get several daily emails updating me on B2B publishing … read more

For Sale

By Thomas R. TeminMedia and Government Consulting So, Reed Business Information is for sale. Its Dutch parent is divesting itself of a division which, at one time, was the chief profit contributor to its then-parent, Reed International. Now … read more

What the publishers are saying

By Tonie AuerASBPE National Blog Chairwoman and DFW Chapter President I’ve almost burned up all of my “glass if half-full” optimism as I’ve tried to deny that a recession is looming. I’ve pointed to all the positives and … read more

What will happen to B2B magazines in 2008?

Folio Magazine examined what the economy’s impact on B2B publishing with bleak projections by industry leaders. Paul Conley doesn’t seem bright either. Across the field of journalism, most of us are walking forward with an occasional look over … read more

Have you been E-inked yet?

I have often joked that at my first newspaper job I used a Fred Flintstone-style computer complete with a pterodactyl behind the monitor pecking out the letters. Now, print newspapers may truly be the dinosaurs of history. Editor … read more