Tips For New Beats

Top B2B editors last week shared tips on how to get started on a new beat during a Society of American Business Editors and Writers webcast. The best advice? Get out there and meet people, don’t be afraid … read more

Is the title “editor” becoming obsolete?

By Jessica Zemler, ASBPE Communications Chair I recently read the e-Media Vitals post “5 new job titles for digital-first publishers” and my first instinct was to laugh. I mean, really… Director of Data Visualization? I love infographics as … read more

Hello From Your New Blog Chair

By Jay Campbell [I know the site looks different. I had to update to a newer theme to do what I hope are some interesting things with this blog, and the old one just wasn’t working for me. … read more

Eyeballs, Experts And Expert Eyeballs

Perhaps related to Howard’s LinkedIn discussion here, this Kottke article could be of interest to B2B media. Maybe his “loudest journalism” is the equivalent to our aggregators—shallow and time consuming, when we should be relating expert opinion. This … read more

Is Your Content Valuable?

Checking for valuable content within your publishing channels can refocus your resources to meet your audience and business goals. By Sara Zailskas Walsh Are you producing valuable content? You’re likely inclined to say, “Yes, of course what we … read more

Kiplinger Social Media Fellowship

From the Kiplinger Program at the Ohio State University, Columbus: Want to learn the latest digital reporting skills? The journalism field has radically shifted. But when you’re working endless hours and juggling two or three beats, it can … read more