Success Means Using Second-Day Approach

By Maureen Alley Social media, RSS feeds, newsletters, blogs, video and more are everywhere allowing for faster and easier news syndication and information sharing. Great news, right? Well, it could be hurting your brand if you’re not doing … read more

Economy Still Unstable?

By Elena Gontar Given the industry’s current slump and the declining economy, any major real estate deal is particularly promising. In the last few months there have been quite a few of those. In view of the turbulent … read more

Social Media Addiction

By Tonie AuerDFW Chapter President After reading the notes taken from the Chicago chapter’s roundtable discussions (here and here), I started thinking more about social media. I’m relatively new to the game and I’m usually dragged into it … read more

Do-It-Yourself Roundtable, Part 2

As we blogged about on Sept. 3, here is the second part of the notes taken by the Chicago chapter of the ASBPE held its first Do-It-Yourself Roundtable discussion. Some of the information gathered included using Twitter and … read more

Happy Labor Day

Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made … read more

Do-It-Yourself Roundtable, Part 1

Earlier this summer, the Chicago chapter of the ASBPE held its first Do-It-Yourself Roundtable discussion. Why a do-it-yourself? Because we realize that more heads are better than one, and what better way to learn than from your fellow … read more

Back to the Future

Update, Sept. 1, 2009: McCracken has written an answer post on Technologizer, “The Future–August 1999 Style!” Read it to see his take on how the reality of 2009 stacks up with these 1999 predictions. Looking back at our … read more