Planning Ahead

We’ve all had those editors for whom an editorial calendar might as well be the liner for the bird cage. The editors who call up the freelancer or the newsroom to tell them they need 1,500 words on … read more

To Blog or Not to Blog, That Is the Question

By Tonie AuerDFW Chapter President Occasionally, other bloggers can say things so much better than I can. This time, it’s Joe Pulizzi. The author, speaker and strategist for content marketing and founder of content matching site Junta42 marked … read more

When One Door Closes …

By Tonie AuerDFW Chapter President Like most aspiring writers (of something beyond the B2B publications), I strive to read quality work. I try to change things up a bit, moving from suspense writers like Deborah Crombie to the … read more

Reporting Live From the Echo Chamber

By Steve Roll We’ve all heard how no content should be wasted in the Multi-Platform Age. Those pictures that didn’t make the cut for that magazine story? Use them for an online slideshow. The sidebar you didn’t use … read more

Ethics Committee Has New Vision

By Howard Rauch Chairman, ASBPE Ethics Committee Debating the precarious outlook for the traditional church-and-state doctrine preoccupies most discussions when the subject of editorial ethics arises. Advances in the Internet, however, require additional B2B attention on ethics. Long-held … read more

Far-Reaching Impact of Reed Closings

By Nikki Golden That sound you heard April 16 was the clicking sound of a Domino display being set into motion. The closure of the 23 magazines by Reed Business Information will impact a lot more than the … read more

RIP Reed Titles

By Tonie AuerDFW Chapter President By now, we’ve all heard the news about Reed Elsevier shuttering 23 B2B pubs. I don’t think anyone is all that shocked any more. But, what does this mean for B2B publishing? Folio … read more

We Grow Media: In-the-Trenches Help

By Maureen Alley Business-to-business editors often feel pulled in many directions in order to meet deadlines, often leaving the Web ignored. But Dan Blank, founder of We Grow Media, is looking to change that. Blank wants to bring … read more