Reporter — Legaltech News

Legaltech News produces a website, updated daily, and a monthly magazine in New York, New York. We’re a group of dedicated, experienced professionals who know our beat inside out, and produce insightful and engaging content our readers need. … read more

Associate copy editor — Hotel News Now

Hotel News Now, a digital business-to-business publication,seeks an associate copy editor for its Rocky River, Ohio-based hotel industry online news site. The associate copy editor is responsible for lending support when it comes to driving a consistent style … read more

News editor — Hotel News Now

Hotel News Now, a digital business-to-business publication, seeks a news editor to manage the reporting team for this Rocky River, Ohio-based hotel industry online news site. The news editor will be an active content contributor to the fast-paced, … read more

Digital Marketing Beat Writer — [a]listdaily

The [a]listdaily Digital Marketing Beat Writer’s goal is to strategically pursue interviews, attend events, and identify compelling stories in the digital marketing sphere. This person will be expected to find sources and leads both independently and with the … read more