Have you updated your portfolio recently?

Photo of Alison Fulton
Alison Fulton

Calling all designers/art directors/creatives/students of interactive design:
How many of you have an online portfolio? How many of you have a portfolio website? You pretty much can’t get anywhere professionally anymore without one or both of these. If you’re currently a student, no problem, right? Part of your course encompasses creating one or both of these. (And if it doesn’t then it really should!) But, deciding what to put in your portfolio isn’t always easy. My mentor said, in reference to portfolio design, “It allows you to look into what you are wanting to say, how you want to say it? What part of you are you willing to share in a portfolio. There is a bit of introspective thought that goes into this type of design.” Wise words to consider.
The reason I am thinking about this is an email that I received from the Behance team, Behance Network Newsletter. If you click on this link you will see that I don’t actually have a portfolio with Behance…yet, inspite all of their efforts. Perhaps I should. I will get right on that in my spare time, LOL. But I did read the sidebar, “Whip your portfolio into shape for fall” and I thought it was pretty good advice. What do you think? Have you thought of having an editor friend look at your stuff? Yes, they will be distracted by any spelling mistakes, but don’t you think there’s a chance that a prospective employer might be as well? Better fix ’em up front and be done with it. Plus you could get some valuable insight into how the other side thinks… The editor side. 🙂
What other things do you wish you could get help with? ASBPE is reaching out to art directors and designers so let them know what you want, what you really really want. Sorry, still in a post Olympics glow and so couldn’t resist Spice girl reference.

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