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Charting B2B’s Path Forward, Leadership Series:
Balancing the Big Changes from 2020

Original air date: May 5, 2021

From the COVID-19 pandemic, addressing and navigating social justice, equity, the role of politics and more: view this webinar to hear how leaders can continue to address these issues within their teams, companies and industries as they unfold.

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Webinar Details:

This was the first session in a four-week leadership series during the 2021 ASBPE online national conference, and it originally aired on Wednesday, May 5, 2021. The last year has thrown a lot at the world, from the COVID-19 pandemic and related issues, to addressing and navigating social justice, equity, the role of politics and more. Leaders must continue to address these issues within their teams, companies and industries as they unfold. Speaker Rasheeda Childress, associate editor of Associations Now (American Society for Association Executives), will guide participants through tips and best practices to manage change.

This archived webinar is free for ASBPE members.