ASBPE Launches Online Community for B2B

To bring together ASBPE members to discuss key B2B publishing topics and more, ASBPE has rolled out its new online community, ASBPE Connect.

ASBPE Connect

ASBPE Connect is not just another social media platform. It’s a community of your B2B publishing peers that provides 24/7 networking; direct access to experienced editors, writers, and freelancers who can answer questions and help solve problems; and an online B2B community environment that’s free from all the noise and nonsense currently infiltrating other social platforms.

Join us on Connect to post ideas and questions, make connections and chime in on hot industry topics.

Connect contains announcements and reminders of important ASBPE programming as well — located at the top of the feed. Members can also quickly navigate from Connect to other important ASBPE pages. Connect features a new interface for updating member profiles, and we plan to provide updated groups functionality later this year.

Members can access the Connect community today:

  1. Use the “Member Login” button at the top right to sign in.
  2. On the “Explore ASBPE’s Members-Only Services” page, click “Visit Online Community” under ASBPE Connect.
  3. On the same page, members can manage their profile and check their membership status.

Connect today!