Check out what’s in store for ASBPE’s 2019 national conference.
Don’t miss GenerationB2B, ASBPE’s 2019 national conference, May 9-10 at the Poynter Institute in St. Petersburg, Fla.
Here’s the schedule and sponsorship information:
Full Conference Schedule
(Lineup subject to change)
8:30 a.m. Registration Opens, Continental Breakfast
9 a.m. Welcome
Dom Yanchunas, ASBPE President and 2019 Conference Chairman
9:10 a.m. 2019 Kickoff Session, “Freelancer Nation”
Moderator and Introduction: Amy Fischbach, Field Editor, T&D World magazine, Electric Utility Operations
Christine Parizo, B2B Technology Content Marketing Writer
Eamon McCarthy Earls, Freelance Technology Writer and Editor
Christine offers advice on how to find solid freelancers upon whom an editor can rely and provides fellow freelancers with tips on how to pitch ideas to publications and become a go-to contributor. Eamon explains the ins-and-outs of navigating freelancer payments, taxation, LLCs and retaining the rights to your work, as well as how the editor client can accommodate the independent supplier’s needs for better retention – and mutual benefit.

10 a.m. 2019 Keynote Address, “Tomorrow’s B2B Editor”
Abe Peck, Director, Business to Business Communications, Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University; Executive Editor, Inside Unmanned Systems and Inside GNSS
Well-known as the “magazine chiropractor” and longtime B2B specialist at Medill, Abe delivers fresh insights from his new editing appointment to outline the traits of a successful B2B journalist for the multiplatform future. He encourages senior managers, mid-career colleagues and B2B novices to operate in synchronicity and become more fully integrated for the cause.
10:45-11:15 a.m. Networking Coffee Break

11:15 a.m. “Print-to-Digital Transformations That Make Money”
Tony Lee, Vice President-Editorial, Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
Tony explains how his publication reduced print frequency to quarterly from monthly and still grew its revenue and solidified reader loyalty through new digital products including e-newsletters, video and podcasts.
12:15 p.m. Lunch
1:15 p.m. “Strong Ethics are Good Business”
Kerry Knudsen, Editor and Publisher, Coverings and Wood Industry magazines
Is your B2B publication in danger of losing its readers? Kerry makes a strong case for a rigid church/state divide and demonstrates the tangible payoff from linking a publication’s revenue to its credibility.

2 p.m. “ASBPE 2019 Ethics Roundtable”
Moderator: JD Solomon, Editorial Director, Professional Media Group; Chairman, ASBPE Ethics Committee
Kerry Knudsen joins representatives from ASBPE’s Ethics Committee in our always-lively annual roundtable conversation about ethics challenges that our members encounter and how to resolve them.
2:45 p.m. Networking Coffee Break
3:15 p.m. “Price Reporting Agencies – Why They’re Growing and How to Get Hired”
Carla Bass, News Editor, Argus Media
Jennifer Brumback, Director, Oil Price Information Service
Tom Jennemann, Product Director, Fastmarkets
Price Reporting Agencies, dubbed B2B 3.0, share data and market intelligence on product prices ranging from oil and gas to steel, wood and paper. The panelists explain the role of the PRA, the information-gathering and compliance processes and how the work is similar to and different from traditional financial journalism. Gain insights on careers in the PRA sector and find out why even traditional B2B journalists already have a leg up on getting hired.

4 p.m. “Publisher’s View of Teamwork”
Andy Corty, President, Florida Trend
David Denor, Publisher, Florida Trend
Mark Howard, Executive Editor, Florida Trend
Andy and his top leaders offer insights on the level of cooperation that publishers need from their editorial team, including how to work together with advertising and other departments to deliver solid financials and make the publication sing.
4:45 p.m. Cocktail Reception
6 p.m. Azbee Awards of Excellence Banquet
We recognize the outstanding work of the 2019 national award winners, plus Young Leader Scholars and the Stephen Barr Award.
9 a.m. Welcome Back!
“Best Practices for Editorial Involvement in B2B Events Planning”
An ASBPE certificate training program
9 a.m. to noon
Admission included in your full conference registration

9:05 a.m. “How to Drive Big Revenue from Small Events”
Teri Anderson, Vice President, Editorial Services, and Editor-In-Chief, ASIS
JD Solomon, Editorial Director, Professional Media Group
Bigger events aren’t always better events. Teri and JD will explore how small events—70 to 150 attendees—can yield big returns, both in revenue and brand affinity. From half-day workshops to three-day summits, you’ll need to identify venues, sponsors and attendees, and recognize the real secrets of small-event success. (Hint: it’s all about the networking!)
10 a.m. Coffee Break

10:15 a.m. “Events-Driven Business Models: 2 Case Studies”
Kelley Damore, Chief Content Officer, TechTarget
The payoff of conference participation shouldn’t end when the event is over. Kelley will explain how to build events that are aligned to content sites in order to create engagement online throughout the year. She’ll offer suggestions for buy-in and metrics as well as share some of the successes and failures she encountered along the way – previously at UBM and currently at TechTarget.

10:50 a.m. “Workshop: Public Speaking for B2B Journalists”
Stephanie Ricca, Editor-In-Chief, Hotel News Now
Speaking skills are a must for today’s B2B journalist, whether you’re MCing an event, moderating a conference panel or leading an important meeting for your team. Stephanie shares her popular hands-on workshop with the ASBPE community, and you’ll leave with skills to help you excel at speaking.
11:30 a.m. “B2B Events Panel Discussion”
Teri, JD, Kelley and Stephanie reconvene and take more of your questions
Note: Participants MUST BE present from 9 a.m. to noon to receive the “Best Practices for Editorial Participation in B2B Events Planning” certificate of completion.
Noon, Participant Feedback, Willingness to Serve, Adjournment
Teresa Anderson, New ASBPE President, 2019-2021
For more information on the conference, banquet, registration or ASBPE membership, please contact us.
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