Join ASBPE at Poynter and change the way you think about your audience, your revenue and your B2B publication.
We’re bringing together the best of Poynter and ASPBE in this year’s ASBPE national conference and Azbee Awards Banquet, July 21-22.
Expert teachers and industry leaders will take you beyond the basics to the strategies and techniques that spell success for your B2B publication.
In eight sessions over two days, you’ll get insights and best practices to build your road map for success. You’ll also get unlimited opportunities to connect with your B2B peers and network with industry experts.
Register nowDownload the conference app:
Thursday, July 21 at 1 p.m. through Friday, July 22, 2016 at 3:30 p.m.
Schedule of events:
Thursday, July 21
Conference: 1-4 p.m.
Azbee Awards Reception: 5:30-6:15 p.m.
Azbee Awards Banquet: 6:15-10 p.m.
Friday, July 22
Conference: 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
The Poynter Institute
801 Third Street South
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Courtyard by Marriott Downtown St. Petersburg
300 4th St. North, St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Room rate: $123 with group code
(Shuttle provided to/from Poynter Institute and hotel)
Book online via our group code and get more information on ground transportation.
Please note: The hotel group deadline is June 30, but the discounted rate may still be available after that time if space allows. If the online booking system shows no availability, please call the hotel at 727-450-6200 to inquire and reference the ASBPE Conference group.
One-day conference + awards banquet
Early bird pricing if you register by June 16:
ASBPE members: $399*
Non-members: $475
Regular pricing after June 16:
ASBPE members: $499*
Non-members: $575
Awards banquet only (does not include conference admission)
Single ticket—Early bird pricing if you register by June 16:
ASBPE members:$165*
Non-members: $185
Single ticket—Regular pricing after June 16:
ASBPE members: $185*
Non-members: $205
Additional banquet pricing options:
Companion rate: $145 (for those registered for the banquet and wish to bring an additional colleague or spouse)
Full banquet table of 8: $1,240
Half banquet table of 4: $620
*In case you missed it, membership in ASBPE is now free for qualified B2B editors, writers, freelancers, art directors, and designers! Now is the perfect time to join. Learn more about this change here or sign up now to be a member.
Register nowWhy Attend ASBPE’s Conference? This Will Convince You (and Your Boss). Click here to read the justification toolkit.
Thursday, July 21 Sessions:
1:00-2:00 P.M.—Keynote—How to Survive the Multiplying Challenges of Digital Transformation
Today’s B2B editors struggle to adapt to the search-driven online world, smart-phone presentation, social media options, and whatever may come next. How can we defuse threats, and identify and execute opportunities that lead to new revenue streams?

Speaker: Rick Edmonds
Media Business Analyst & Leader of News Transformation, The Poynter Institute
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2:00-2:45 P.M.—Your new bestie: How to work with freelancers
Freelancers are critical to the success of a B2B publication. But working with them? In this session, learn the biggest pitfalls editors face when working with freelancers – and what can be done to build win-win relationships, no hand-holding required. Also, learn the warning signs that this freelancer may not be your new bestie after all.

Speaker: Christine Parizo
Christine Parizo Communications
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3:00-4:00 P.M.—B2B ethics vs. revenue smackdown
You must find new and varied streams of revenue. You must preserve your brand. You must provide value to your audience. You must provide value to your advertisers and business partners. How do you do one without compromising another? In this session we’ll look at how to navigate these tensions without compromising your core values so you can create an opportunity for stability and growth.

Speaker: Kelly McBride
Vice President of Academic Programs, The Poynter Institute
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4:00-5:30 P.M—Break
5:30-6:15 P.M.—Azbee Awards of Excellence Reception
6:15-10:00 P.M.—Azbee Awards of Excellence banquet
Friday, July 22 Sessions:
8:00-8:50 A.M.—Inside the infographics studio
In this panel discussion moderated by ASBPE Blog Chair Laura D’Alessandro, past Azbee Award winners in the Infographics category will share tricks of the trade for creating award-winning infographics.

Moderator: Laura D’Alessandro, Integrated Media Editor, American Public Power Association
Panelist: Aubrey Altmann, Hanley Wood
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9:00-10:00 A.M.—Digital tools to improve your content (for free!)
This is about three broad categories of tools: Digital tools to make your storytelling better and why that’s important — you’re not just up against competitors, you’re up against the entire internet. Digital tools to improve your team’s communication. Digital tools to improve your story reach — because the publication process doesn’t end when you hit “publish.”

Speaker: Ren Laforme
Interactive Learning Producer, The Poynter Institute
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10:00-10:50 A.M.—How to make source cultivation a habit
Do you find yourself interviewing the same sources over and over? To encourage a diversity of views and voices in your B2B publication, identifying and cultivating new sources is a necessary (albeit time-consuming) process. To help you reach out to new sources, Brown will share a framework that editorial departments can use to formalize their source-cultivation processes.

Speaker: Andy Brown
Methodical Writing
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11:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M.—SEO and social optimization strategies
You must win the Internet to build your B2B publication’s brand. That means that every piece of content needs a strategy to get it it to the audience. This session will review the tried and true strategies, and how you train your entire staff to take charge.

Speaker: John Schlander
Digital General Manager, Tampa Bay Times
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1:30-3:30 P.M.—Copy editing: The basic and the persnickety
In this two-hour deep dive session, Allen and Newton will tackle tips for editing yourself and others, common errors and non-errors, creation of house style guides, and other best practices from the American Copy Editors Society.

Mark Allen, Copy editor, writer and American Copy Editors Society (ACES) board member
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Larissa Newton, Former copy editor at Central Penn Business Journal, and ACES 2014 Robinson Award winner
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