Getting Your Market’s Economic Scoop in Tough Times

Date: Friday, March 27Time: 1:00 p.m. Eastern timeDuration: 60 minutes Webinar Overview Business-to-business editors generally are skilled at covering day-to-day happenings in their industries. But their reporting often falls short when exploring the effects of an economic downturn … read more

Highlights from New-Media Webinar

By Martha SpizziriASBPE Web Editor “Anyone can launch a media brand. The time is right now, especially because buying behavior has changed.” That’s the judgment of Joe Pulizzi, who copresented the ASBPE webinar “A B2B Journalist’s Guide to … read more

Upcoming Journalism Training

By Martha SpizziriASBPE Web Editor It’s right around the corner, but there’s still time to register for Media Bistro’s online course Reinventing Print Content for the Web. The class, which starts Monday, June 2, is aimed specifically at … read more