4 social media musts for B2B journalists

By Emily Manke, JournalismDegree.com As everyone who’s reading this probably already knows, social media is changing the face of business, and business-to-business journalism is no exception. According to a 2011 survey by Arketi Group, 92% of B2B journalists … read more

TABPI Twitterfest

By Paul Heney Last October, TABPI, ASBPE’s international partner organization, launched a creative new way to use Twitter. Deemed TABPI Twitterfest, this two-day event brought together a multitude of B2B editors from the U.S., the U.K., South Africa, … read more

To Tweet or Not to Tweet

There may be repetition here, but I found many of the Tweets from our Digital Symposium to be really informative little nuggets. Look at it this way, you’re skimming through your favorite magazine and everything you find is … read more

Print and Digital: What’s the Best Mix?

By Maureen Alley Sometimes it’s the simplest ideas that are the most innovative. The magazine industry has been trying to figure out for some time how to manage digital opportunities with its print products. And with that, some … read more

Two-Day TABPI Twitterfest Oct. 20-21

Want to get advice from B2B editors around the world on how to help your publication through the economic downturn? Or how best to combine print and the web to serve your readers? Then participate in the first … read more