Twitter Tips for B2B Editors

By Katy TomasuloPresident, Washington, DC Chapter When I first heard Paul Conley sing the praises of Twitter during his keynote address at last year’s ASBPE National Editorial Conference, I admit I was skeptical. I’m all for new media, … read more

Trade Show Coverage in the Web Era

By Katy TomasuloPresident, Washington, D.C., Chapter I recently returned from my industry’s largest trade show, and I couldn’t help but reflect on how different reporting from trade shows is now than when I went to my first one … read more

When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Creative

By Katy TomasuloWashington, DC Chapter President In my industry, construction, publishers are facing a double-downturn problem: the one that’s hitting all publications plus the housing market crash that’s taking an added toll. But that hasn’t stopped some magazines … read more

The Tear-Out Factor

By Katy TomasuloWashington, DC Chapter President I’m a magazine junkie (and in this industry, I’m not alone, I’m sure). But I also live in a tiny apartment, so keeping shelves of my favorite consumer pubs is just not … read more

Facing the Reality of the New Reality

By Katy TomasuloPresident, Washington, DC Chapter During the 2008 ASBPE National Editorial Conference, I had the pleasure of serving on the panel “Editorial Multitasking in the Digital Age” with two others from the B2B industry. As part of … read more

Helpful Sites

By Katy TomasuloASBPE Washington, DC Chapter President I’m cheating a bit for my blog post today. At a loss for something insightful or witty to say, I’m tapping into my Bookmarks for some helpful sites to share. I’m … read more

You Get What You Pay For

By Katy TomasuloASBPE Washington, DC Chapter President I’ve always been an advocate for paying interns. My belief was reaffirmed recently when my current intern, who’s been with us since the fall semester and is an absolute star, asked … read more