B2B Editors and Publishers Definitely Get It

By Robert FreedmanASBPE Foundation President It’s true. If you build it, they will come. Last week in Kansas City ASBPE formally launched its tax-exempt educational foundation and the results are in: two dozen contributions from institutions and individuals. … read more

Blogging the News

By Tonie AuerDFW Chapter President and National Blog Chairwoman As a blog that often refers to other websites, news stories and the like, ASBPE’s national blog contributors have been taking note of the story regarding how the Associated … read more

The Unabomber and The Media

By Tonie AuerDFW Chapter President and National Blog Chairperson I’m deviating a bit from our very “news you can use” format here to give a hat tip to the The Newseum. Despite criticism for self-promotion, I can’t wait … read more

Does Off the Record Still Exist?

By Tonie AuerDFW Chapter President and National Blog Chairwoman At our last Dallas-Fort Worth ASBPE Chapter meeting, the subject came up of how to handle “off the record” remarks. We had a public relations firm owner and a … read more

Upcoming Journalism Training

By Martha SpizziriASBPE Web Editor It’s right around the corner, but there’s still time to register for Media Bistro’s online course Reinventing Print Content for the Web. The class, which starts Monday, June 2, is aimed specifically at … read more

Are you LinkedIn?

Erin Erickson,Chicago Chapter Board member Your spouse may be doing it; the guy in the next cubicle probably is; even your high school English teacher has probably dabbled in it. It’s LinkedIn and it’s the “professional version MySpace,” … read more

Helpful Sites

By Katy TomasuloASBPE Washington, DC Chapter President I’m cheating a bit for my blog post today. At a loss for something insightful or witty to say, I’m tapping into my Bookmarks for some helpful sites to share. I’m … read more

Opening of The Newseum

By Tonie AuerDFW Chapter President On Friday, the Newseum opens. According to the Newseum, the 250,000-square-foot museum of news offers visitors an experience that blends five centuries of news history with up-to-the-second technology and hands-on exhibits. The Newseum … read more