Don’t Let Your Best Work Be Overlooked

By Martha SpizziriASBPE Web Editor “[The niche media are] generally not involved in watchdog, exposé journalism that by its very existence is a check on malfeasance.” When he hears statements like that, ASBPE president Steven Roll bristles a … read more

Substantive Content? Who Cares?

By Robin Sherman The Wall Street Journal is closing its news research library, it has been reported; another form of cost-cutting. Now, we have another loss of institutional research capability. Research is now left to the individual reporter … read more

B2B Communication at Medill

By Abe Peck Last year, I bit when John Lavine, dean at Medill / Northwestern, asked me to head an initiative to strengthen B2B at the School. After all, the first magazine to which I’d consulted, an in-house … read more

Another Nail in the Coffin

By Tonie AuerDFW Chapter President/National Blog Chairwoman Some days I feel like the dinosaurs I remember instructing me in college. I refer fondly to my old J-school professors as the men who shaped me and guided me in … read more

Words Are Important

By Paul Heney As this election season drags on, I’m hoping for a politician who will rediscover the power of words. Over the past few decades, there has been an increasing resentment towards intellectual thought and speech in … read more

Every B2B Publication Needs 5 Fear Factors

By Howard Rauch “Pre-emptive discouragement of a direct competitor should be a key focus.” This comment was the closing statement in an editorial planning report recently submitted by a top B2B editor to senior management. He added: “If … read more

Help a Reporter Out

By Marisa PalmieriSenior EditorGolf Course Industry Via Seth Godin’s blog, I came across this relatively new give-and-take service for journalists and sources called Help a Reporter Out. I hear it’s similar to the PR Newswire/Profnet service, which I … read more

Who’s Checking the Facts?

By Tonie AuerDFW Chapter President and National Blog Chairwoman When I was a cub reporter at a small Northeast Texas five-day-a-week hometown newspaper, I aspired to be more. I tried to do the stories that the townspeople wanted … read more