What Say We Try To Support Each Other?

By Jay Campbell I bet it’s happened to most of you. Happily reading a story you found through a web search for something you’re working on, a few sentences in, you go, “I’ve heard this before. Wait, we … read more

ASBPE Ethics: Your Input Is Appreciated

By Howard Rauch It’s “High Noon” time in terms of considering possible ASBPE ethics code revisions. Your input would be greatly appreciated! ASBPE’s Guide to Preferred Editorial Practices is a frequently-used, excellent resource when ethics issues arise. Input received from … read more

Miss the July 18th ASBPE bootcamp in New York City?

Attention all ASBPE-NY’s Bootcamp Attendees: PowerPoint and PDF decks of the July 18 event’s four sessions are now available online. To recap, the half-day Digital Boot Camp included these educational sessions: Navigating the Permeable Wall Between Editorial and … read more

Rate Your Company’s Editorial Ethics

By Howard Rauch, ASBPE Ethics Committee Chairman Is your editorial ethics house in order? A new self-scoring profile suggests loopholes that may need closing. Distributed during a presentation at ASBPE’s digital “Boot Camp” held July 18 in New … read more

Learning from the Sherrod Fiasco

By Maureen Alley Anyone who has been paying attention to the news last week should be aware of the Shirley Sherrod mess that hit Washington. She was the U.S. Department of Agriculture employee who was fired for being … read more

Ethics Committee Has New Vision

By Howard Rauch Chairman, ASBPE Ethics Committee Debating the precarious outlook for the traditional church-and-state doctrine preoccupies most discussions when the subject of editorial ethics arises. Advances in the Internet, however, require additional B2B attention on ethics. Long-held … read more