Blogs Worthy of Your Time

By Tonie AuerDFW Chapter President/National Blog Chairwoman What makes one blog more worthy of your valuable reading time over another blog? John Brandon over at Computerworld talks about his criteria for a good blog and then goes on … read more

Building Your Wings on the Way Down

By Harry McCrackenEditor, Technologizer “You’ve got to walk up to the edge of the cliff, jump off, and build your wings on the way down.” I didn’t hear Ray Bradbury say that until I saw him interviewed in … read more

B2B Writer Blogshare

By Tonie AuerDFW Chapter President, National Blog Chairwoman I’m on a distribution list for the national Society of Professional Journalists and I love it. Monday through Friday, I get an email with a plethora of information regarding media … read more

Facing the Reality of the New Reality

By Katy TomasuloPresident, Washington, DC Chapter During the 2008 ASBPE National Editorial Conference, I had the pleasure of serving on the panel “Editorial Multitasking in the Digital Age” with two others from the B2B industry. As part of … read more

The Value of Working as an HPT

By Nikki GoldenVice President, ASBPE Chicago Chapter As I read about CIO’s recent controversial move with LinkedIn, what struck me most was not that any ethical guidelines might have been crossed but that the editorial staff had no … read more

Blogging the News

By Tonie AuerDFW Chapter President and National Blog Chairwoman As a blog that often refers to other websites, news stories and the like, ASBPE’s national blog contributors have been taking note of the story regarding how the Associated … read more