Social Media Etiquette from

By Erin Erickson, ASBPE Chicago Vice President Time for another post from a social media geek at ASBPE. This post, compliments of, offers seven tips for career-related social media etiquette. Some of the tips include not joining … read more

The Tear-Out Factor

By Katy TomasuloWashington, DC Chapter President I’m a magazine junkie (and in this industry, I’m not alone, I’m sure). But I also live in a tiny apartment, so keeping shelves of my favorite consumer pubs is just not … read more

There’s No Defense for Cute Headlines

By Howard RauchPresident, Editorial Solutions Inc. One thing that makes life interesting in our field is opposite schools of thought on various aspects of editing practice. Those on both sides of any issue will argue vigorously in defense … read more

Help a Reporter Out

By Marisa PalmieriSenior EditorGolf Course Industry Via Seth Godin’s blog, I came across this relatively new give-and-take service for journalists and sources called Help a Reporter Out. I hear it’s similar to the PR Newswire/Profnet service, which I … read more