Social Media 411

By Tonie AuerDFW Chapter President We hear about it all the time: social media. Everyone wants to know how to harness its power and rein it in for more readers. If it helps promote your publication, industry or … read more

Look Into the Numbers

By Maureen Alley Journalism and new media experienced a front-end collision in the last few years. Social media, faster news cycles and increased demand from all angles are driving journalists to report more at faster rates. And with … read more

What’s Your Reader Engagement Strategy?

By Ginger Conlon At 1to1 Media we’re all about helping our readers improve their customer engagement, so we had better practice what we preach. And we do. In fact, we have a formal (though not written), award-winning engagement … read more

Promoting the Work of Guest Writers

By Rosalie Donlon When you publish B2B content you often rely on professionals for articles sharing their expertise or insight. My authors are attorneys and other professionals who write for a nonlegal audience. It has always been a … read more

Obituary: Bernie Knill

By Warren HerschASBPE President As more trade magazines focus limited resources on realizing a Web-first or platform agnostic strategy, B2B editors are finding it harder to dedicate time to in-depth investigative reporting and to championing positions that can … read more

Retirement Lures Vern Henry Away

Advanstar Communications corporate editorial director Vern Henry accepting the ASBPE Lifetime Achievement Award in 2001 Advanstar Communications’ Corporate Editorial Director Vernon Henry retired Tuesday. “…Vern created and led Advanstar’s Editorial Audit & Review program, which became the industry … read more