You Be the Judge

By Steven RollASBPE Past President ASBPE is looking for a few good judges for the 2011 AZBEE Awards of Excellence. What’s in it for you? Judging will give you the insights you need to get an inside track … read more

Is Your Photo LinkedIn?

Immediate-Past President Steven Roll considers the pros and cons of including a photo on LinkedIn and seeks your opinion on the issue. Facebook seems to be all about pictures. “Friend” someone on the social media website and be … read more

Making the Leap Into Personal Blogging

John Bethune, publisher of the B2B Memes website interviews Steven Roll about his foray into personal blogging. At first, Steve was hesitant to try it for fear of living out the typical blogging nightmare scenario. But after thinking … read more

Freelance Work Worth Paying For

In this post, ASBPE award winning freelance writer Tam Harbert explains why even in the age of content farms and $15 fees for articles, trade publications get exactly what they pay for when it comes to hiring editorial … read more

White papers: Objective, Yet Opinionated

Financial writer-editor Susan Weiner discusses the key characteristics of white paper in this guest post. Her previous guest post for the ASPBE Blog was “LinkedIn Groups Help Blog Posts Soar.” White papers are a great tool for business … read more

Seven Ways to Sabotage Your Career in 2011

Are those New Year’s resolutions aimed at catching up with the times beginning to slip your grasp? Have no fear. Following these simple suggestions from Meister Media Worldwide’s Jim Sulecki will push you toward embracing “Plan B” in … read more

Harnessing the Power of Gen Y—Without a Leash

In this post, Jennifer Garrett senior editor for Collinson Media, which publishes Rejuvenate, Connect and Collaborate magazines, explains how tapping into the power of Gen Y can yield gold-medal results. I’m part of a generation that’s revolutionizing communication … read more