Building a Stronger Freelance Business

A constant worry for many freelancers is the feast or famine situation — not knowing how to deal with the ebbs and flows of freelance projects and ensure a strong stream of work, and as a result, revenue. … read more


Podcasting for Fun and Profit


In one of the most lively and entertaining sessions at the 2022 ASBPE national conference, Matt LaWell, managing editor at Golf Course Industry, informed and entertained the audience with his session entitled “Podcasting for Fun and Profit.” During … read more

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Three Ways To Renew Passion

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During ASBPE’s National Conference in Cleveland, Justin Armburger offered three ways editors, writers, freelancers and designers can renew their passion for their work. Many people employed in the business-to-business media field love telling stories — this is the … read more

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Monetizing Your Content: Are You Ready? 

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Monetization – if you haven’t monetized your publication’s content yet, you’ve probably thought about it at some point. Or maybe you’re green with envy hearing about what an influencer is getting from their podcasts.  Wouldn’t it be great … read more