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Three Ways To Renew Passion

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During ASBPE’s National Conference in Cleveland, Justin Armburger offered three ways editors, writers, freelancers and designers can renew their passion for their work. Many people employed in the business-to-business media field love telling stories — this is the … read more

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Monetizing Your Content: Are You Ready? 

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Monetization – if you haven’t monetized your publication’s content yet, you’ve probably thought about it at some point. Or maybe you’re green with envy hearing about what an influencer is getting from their podcasts.  Wouldn’t it be great … read more

Tips for Video in B2B

Making the transition from print to video journalism may sound daunting. But during the session “So, Now You’re a Broadcast Journalist? Tips for Video in B2B” on the first day of the 2022 ASBPE annual conference, held in … read more

Donate to the ASBPE Educational Foundation

Dear ASBPE members,   Since its founding 15 years ago, the nonprofit ASBPE Educational Foundation has supported excellence in B2B journalism through awards programs and outreach to journalism schools nationwide. Today, we at the Foundation invite your support … read more

Writing Award-Winning Articles

by Karen Langhauser, chief content director, and Meagan Parrish, senior editor, Pharma Manufacturing Writing great articles takes preparation, planning and a bit of inspiration. If you’re resourceful, you can keep your publication interesting and valuable for your readers. … read more

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What Goes Into Award-Winning Reporting

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The 2021 Stephen Barr Winner shares what went into reporting his award-winning piece.  By Megan Smalley Sometimes the best story ideas come from a series of unrelated interviews and research. That was certainly the case for Rich Daly, … read more

Keeping tabs on time management

Use some of these tips to improve on time management in 2020. Business-to-business (B2B) editors have much longer to-do lists today than they did even just a decade ago. Much of this can be attributed to the changing … read more