ASBPE Redesigns Website For Better Usability

Have you been to lately? If you have, you may have noticed a few changes have taken place. The association recently unveiled a redesigned website which promises an improved user experience and much more robust functionality. To … read more

10 Tips for Keeping Your Digital Copy Clean

Kelly Saxton, associate director of publications and managing editor for Paralyzed Veterans of America’s Development, Marketing and Communications program, tells us why online publishing is no excuse for sloppy copy. Follow her practical ideas to keep your stories … read more

Operating Your Online News Feed

By Maureen Alley How do you operate your online news feed? Do you repurpose what you find in your Lexis-Nexis file? Please say no. If you don’t write your own news for your site, tell me, why would … read more

Bridging the Digital Skills Training Gap

Four of five “senior-level” editors who answered the recent ASBPE/Medill Survey on Digital Skills & Strategies had one day or less of corporate-sponsored digital training in 2009. What are the implications? How can we overcome the problem? Join … read more

Reporting Live From the Echo Chamber

By Steve Roll We’ve all heard how no content should be wasted in the Multi-Platform Age. Those pictures that didn’t make the cut for that magazine story? Use them for an online slideshow. The sidebar you didn’t use … read more

The Journalist’s Toolbox

By Tonie AuerDFW Chapter President I’ve been on a roll, talking about professional development and making yourself indispensable. Now I’m going to lead you to another valuable resource to make yourself look like a genius to your boss … read more