Join the Social Media Conversation with ASBPE

By Steven RollASBPE President Becoming involved with ASBPE is a great way to learn about and experiment with new social media technologies. Limiting your early interactions to your colleagues in the business press allows you to avoid making … read more

Trade Show Coverage in the Web Era

By Katy TomasuloPresident, Washington, D.C., Chapter I recently returned from my industry’s largest trade show, and I couldn’t help but reflect on how different reporting from trade shows is now than when I went to my first one … read more

Getting Your Market’s Economic Scoop in Tough Times

Date: Friday, March 27Time: 1:00 p.m. Eastern timeDuration: 60 minutes Webinar Overview Business-to-business editors generally are skilled at covering day-to-day happenings in their industries. But their reporting often falls short when exploring the effects of an economic downturn … read more

Create a LinkedIn Group

by Erin Erickson, Chicago Chapter Vice President;Creator of Me Media: Social Media for Non-Techies This post is adapted from Me Media: Social Media for Non-Techies Create a LinkedIn Group If you are part of an association or group … read more

B2B Communication at Medill

By Abe Peck Last year, I bit when John Lavine, dean at Medill / Northwestern, asked me to head an initiative to strengthen B2B at the School. After all, the first magazine to which I’d consulted, an in-house … read more