Get Social (Media, That Is)

By Warren S. Hersch YouTube, Linked In, Second Life, Facebook. From online communities to social networks to virtual worlds, B2B editors attending the March 28th event of ASBPE’s New York chapter got an earful about how best to … read more

Upcoming Journalism Training

By Martha SpizziriASBPE Web Editor It’s right around the corner, but there’s still time to register for Media Bistro’s online course Reinventing Print Content for the Web. The class, which starts Monday, June 2, is aimed specifically at … read more

Thinking About Starting a Blog? Me Too!

By Steven RollASBPE President Like many editors nowadays, I too am thinking about starting a blog. I vowed to familiarize myself with the blogosphere after attending ASBPE’s national conference in Chicago in 2006. It took a little while … read more

Are you LinkedIn?

Erin Erickson,Chicago Chapter Board member Your spouse may be doing it; the guy in the next cubicle probably is; even your high school English teacher has probably dabbled in it. It’s LinkedIn and it’s the “professional version MySpace,” … read more

How’s Your Design Looking These Days?

By Paul HeneyASBPE Cleveland Chapter Treasurer As I recently posted on the ASBPE Cleveland blog, it’s critical that b2b editors don’t lose sight of how important design is to our magazines. It’s an easy thing to forget in … read more

Web 2.0 in Plain English

By Martha SpizziriASBPE Web Editor Still confused by RSS? Not sure what social bookmarking is or why people would want to use it? The folks at Common Craft can help you out. They’ve produced a series of videos … read more