2008 Azbee Regional Winners

2008 Northeast Region Winners
30th Annual Azbee Awards of Excellence

Case History
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Dove’s Campaign for Real Customers”
1to1 Magazine
1to1 Media
November/December 2007
John Gaffney
“The Road to WiMAX””
Business Week
Sept. 3, 2007
Cliff Edwards
Silver “Securing the Suburban High School”
November 2007
Scott Berinato, Derek Slater, Steve Traynor
Fortune Small Business
Fortune Small Business
February 2007
Richard Murphy, Brian O’Reilly
Bronze “Running inventory like a Deere”
CSCMP’s Supply Chain Quarterly
Supply Chain Media
Fourth Quarter 2007
James Cooke
“Mac Attack!”
July 16, 2007
Julia King, Owen Edwards
Editorial/Editor’s Letter
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Edit This”
Information Today, Inc.
April, November 2007
Michelle Manafy
“Breaches: Boards need to wake up”
Network World
Network World/IDG
Jan, June 2007
John Dix
Silver “SD Times Editorials”
SD Times
BZ Media
June 15 and Aug. 1, 2007
David Rubinstein, editor-in-chief; Alan Zoichick, editorial director
“Editor’s Page”
Fleet Owner
Penton Media
July and August 2007
Jim Mele
Bronze “Campaign for CME;” “Spread the Word: CME Saves Lives”
Medical Meetings
Penton Media
June 2007, July/August 2007
Tamar Hosansky, Barbara L. Brewer, Sharon Carlson
“First Word”
PC Magazine
Ziff Davis
Dec. 25, 2007
Lance Ulanoff
Feature Article
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Breast Cancer: An Equal Opportunity Killer?”
RT Image
Valley Forge Publishing Group
Nov. 19, 2007
Keri Forsythe
“Perform or Perish”
McGraw Hill
Nov. 5, 2007
Emily Thornton
Silver “Manna From Hell”
The Scientist
The Scientist
November 2007
Julia C. Mead
“Are You Next?”
BusinessWeek SmallBiz
McGraw Hill
August/September 2007
Jeremy Quittner
Bronze “Forget everything you know about ticks”
Veterinary Forum
Veterinary Learning Systems
May 2007
Marie Rosenthal, CJ Ellis, Jennifer Barlow
“The Pet Economy”
McGraw Hill
Aug. 6, 2007
Diane Brady, Christopher Palmeri
How-To Article
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Ball in Your Court”
Law Technology News
Incisive Media Ltd.
June 2007
Craig Ball, Monica Bay, Shane DeLeers
“Bad Neighborhood”
March 1, 2007
Allan Holmes, David Rosenbaum, Terri Haas, Susan Bryant-Still, Mary Lester
Silver “Look Smart””
September 2007
Sarah D. Scalet, Derek Slater, Steve Traynor
“When, Why, and How to Fire That Customer”
BusinessWeek SmallBiz
McGraw Hill
Oct/Nov 2007
Amy Barrett
Bronze “A Simple Repair Leads to More Money”
The Cooling Journal
NARSA–The International Heat Transfer Association
November 2007
NARSA, Mike Dwyer, Sarah Cranston, Justin Fennelly
“Linux: You Can Do It”
PC Magazine
Ziff Davis
Sept. 18, 2007
Carol Levin Gonsher, Neil Randall
Individual/Organization Profile
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Night at the Museum”
Corporate Counsel
Incisive Media Ltd.
November 2007
David Hechler, Anthony Paonita, Robin Sparkman, Morris Stubbs, Elizabeth Williams
“Support Our Ex-Troops”
CFO Publishing
March 2007
John Goff, Julia Homer
Silver “A Floating Miracle”
RT Image
Valley Forge Publishing Group
Oct. 22, 2007
RT Image staff
Aug. 1, 2007
C.G. Lynch, David Rosenbaum, Terri Haas, Susan Bryant-Still, Abbie Lundberg
Bronze “Miami Heat””
The American Lawyer
Incisive Media Ltd.
March 2007
Amy Kolz, David Brown
“I Can Get Your Kid Into an Ivy”
McGraw Hill
Oct. 22, 2007
Susan Berfield and Anne Tergesen
News Analysis/Investigative
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Is Your Vendor a Sitting Duck?”
Information Security
September 2007
Michael S. Mimoso
“Beware The Bustout”
CMP Media/
United Business Media
Oct. 1, 2007
Scott Campbelland“Say Again?”
CFO Publishing
April 2007
Roy Harris
Original Research
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Houston, We Have an Arbitration”
Focus Europe
Incisive Media Ltd.
Summer 2007
Michael D. Goldhaber, Emily Barker, Aric Press, Rosmarie Clancy, Lee Ryder
“State of the CIO”
Dec. 15, 2007–Jan. 1, 2008
Kim S. Nash, Abbie Lundberg, David Rosenbaum, Carolyn Johnson, Mary Lester
Silver “The Money Issue”
Institutional Investor Inc.
April 2007
Stephen Taub, Michele Bickford, Imogen Rose-Smith
“The Best Investment Banks ’07”
Institutional Investor
Institutional Investor Inc.
December 2007
Justin Schack
Bronze “Salary Survey 2007”
SC Magazine
Haymarket Media
April 2007
Illena Armstrong, writer and editor-in-chief; Brian Jackson, art director; Greg Masters, managing editor
“Salary Survey: IT pay falls short”
Network World
Network World/IDG
September 2007
Beth Schultz, Julie Bort
Regular Column, Contributed
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Inside Fractionals”
Business Jet Traveler
Business Jet Traveler
February/March 2007, August/September 2007
James D. Butler, R. Randall Padfield, Jeff Burger, John Manfredo, Mary Mahoney
“Reality Check”
CRM Magazine
Information Today
March, December 2007
Ian Jacobs
Silver “Loss/Risk Management Insight”
Best’s Review
A.M. Best Company
March and June 2007
Lance Ewing
“Pease Porridge”
Electronic Design
Penton Media
Joe Desposito, Robert Pease, Richard Gawel, Roger Engelke, Bill Baumann
Bronze “Taxes, Laws & Finance”
Business Jet Traveler
Business Jet Traveler
April/May 2007, June/July 2007
Jeff Wieand, R. Randall Padfield, Jeff Burger, John Manfredo, Mary Mahoney
“Editorial 5”
Managing Automation
Thomas Publishing
July 2007, January/February 2007
Robert Malone, Chris Chiappinelli, Emily-Sue Sloane
Regular Column, Staff Written
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Scan Forward”
Multichannel News
Reed Business Information
Feb. 12 and Oct. 29, 2007
Tom Steinert-ThrelkeldAND“CDOs and Quants”
Advanced Trading
CMP Media/
United Business Media
December and October
Ivy Schmerken, editor at large; Les Kovach, managing editor
Sascha Segan Column: “Let Wireless Freedom Ring” and “Reduce, Reuse, That’s It””
PC Magazine
Ziff Davis
Sept. 4, 2007 and Oct. 2, 2007
Sascha Segan
Silver “Outbound”
DC Velocity
Agile Business Media
April and September 2007
Mitchell MacDonald
“Best Buy = Bad Deal” and “Sun Set, Sun Rise”
CMP Media/
United Business Media
March 19 and April 30, 2007
Steven Burke
Bronze No award given. “ ’Net Buzz”
Network World
Network World/IDG
February, June 2007
Paul McNamara
Regular Department
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Hot Topics”
1to1 Magazine
1to1 Media
July/August, September, October 2007
Mila D’Antonio, Jeremy Nedelka, Kevin Zimmerman
Aug. 1., Aug. 15 and Sept. 1, 2007
CIO Editorial Staff
Silver “Fashion Trends”
Advertising Specialty Institute
July, August, September 2007
Nicole Rollender, Joan Chaykin, Amy Lucas, Ken Hein
CFO Publishing
September, October, November 2007
Vincent Ryan, Avital Louria Hahn, Karen Kroll, Roy Harris, Julia Homer
Bronze “Apparel Hot Sheet”
Advertising Specialty Institute
August, September, October 2007
Andrew Cohen, Matt Histand, Melinda Ligos
“By the Numbers”
CFO Publishing
October, November, December 2007
Kate O’Sullivan, Julia Homer
Special Section
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “The Associates Survey”
The American Lawyer
Incisive Media Ltd.
August 2007
Elizabeth Goldberg, Rosemarie Clancy, Brian Baxter, David Brown, Aric Press
“Banking and Finance. The Age of Anxiety”
CFO Publishing
Oct. 1, 2007
Vincent Ryan, Avital Louria Hahn, Rob Garver, Lori Calabro, Julia Homer
Silver “Poison Controls”
Engineering News-Record
Engineering News-Record
Feb. 12, 2007
Engineering News-Record Staff
“Cardinal Rules: Ten for Ten”
CRM Magazine
Information Today
March 2007
CRM Magazine Staff
Bronze “CMI 25”
Corporate Meetings & Incentives
Corporate Meetings & Incentives
September 2007
Barbara Scofidio, Susan Hatch, Rachel Gecker, Michael Bassett, Kristen Payson
“New Data Center”
Network World
Network World/IDG
May 2007
Beth Schultz, Julie Bort, Steve Sauer, Carol Zarrou
Technical Article
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Twist the Glass Envelope”
Engineering News-Record
Engineering News-Record
Jan. 1 and 8, 2007
Nadine Post
“Google’s Next Big Dream”
McGraw Hill
Dec. 24, 2007
Stephen Baker
Silver “Face-off: EMC DMX-3 vs. Hitachi USP1100”
January 2007
Brad O’Neill, Rich Castagna, Rich Friedman, Kim Hefner, Heather Darcy
“WiMAX: The Real Deal”
Electronic Design
Penton Media
Oct. 25, 2007
Joe Desposito, Louis E. Frenzel, Richard Gawel, Roger Engelke, Bill Baumann
Bronze “An Undercurrent of Fear”
Law Technology News
Incisive Media Ltd., Inc.
October 2007
Monica Bay, Shane DeLeers, Russ Curtis
“Single-chip radios pose perplexities for SOC architects”
Reed Business Information
Aug./2, 2007
Ron Wilson, Fran Granville
Feature Article Design
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Security 7”
Information Security
October 2007
Maureen Joyce, Deborah Hardee, Rick Dahms, Webb Chappell, Jeffrey Salter
“Today Chicago, Tomorrow…”
Institutional Investor
Institutional Investor Inc.
March 2007
Nathan Sinclair, Art Director; Tom Brown, Creative Director; Daniella Nilva, Photo Editor
Silver “Stormy Weather”
Information Security
July/August 2007
Maureen Joyce, Art Director; John Kuczala, Photographer; Katherine Lambert, Photgrapher; Annie Bissett, Infographics
“25 Most Innovative Executives”
CMP Media/
United Business Media
Nov. 12, 2007
David Nicastro, Jim Lawyer, Adeline Cannone
Bronze “Alpha – The New Tycoons”
Institutional Investor Inc.
April 2007
Nathan Sinclair, Art Director; Stephen Christensen, Associate Art Director
“The Complying Game”
April 15, 2007
Terri Haas, Allan Holmes, David Rosenbaum
Front Cover – Computer Generated
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “The Power Brokers 2007: Top Insurance Brokers of 2007”
Risk & Insurance
LRP Publications
Feb. 1, 2007
Risk & Insurance magazine, Steve Gretzer, Bob Schenker
“2008 New Models”
Fleet Owner
Penton Media
July 2007
Dan Zeis
Silver “Choke Hold””
Information Security
September 2007
Maureen Joyce, Art Director; John Kuczala
“Better Than Being There”
IEEE Spectrum
August 2007
Mark Montgomery, Randi Silberman, Bryan Christie Design, David Stuart, Smalldog Imageworks
Bronze “40th Anniversary Issue”
Institutional Investor
Institutional Investor Inc.
May 2007
Nathan Sinclair, Art Director; Tom Brown, Creative Director
“Water for Profit”
CFO Publishing
February 2007
Robert Lesser, Heather Godin and Carol Lieb
Front Cover — Photo
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Shenzhen Cover””
Institutional Investor
Institutional Investor Inc.
March 2007
Nathan Sinclair, Art Director; Tom Brown, Creative Director; Daniella Nilva, Photo Editor
“Toughest Notebook”
CMP Media/
United Business Media
Oct. 15,2007
David Nicastro, Jim Lawyer, Adeline Cannone
Silver “Imaging Multiples””
RT Image
Valley Forge Publishing Group
March 5, 2007
Laurie Redd-Miller
“Boost Your Career”
Nov. 5, 2007
April O’Connor
Bronze “So Long Sweet Life””
Institutional Investor
Institutional Investor Inc.
September 2007
Nathan Sinclair, Art Director; Tom Brown, Creative Director; Daniella Nilva, Photo Editor
“The Long Trail”
CFO Publishing
October 2007
Robert Lesser, Heather Godin and Carol Lieb
Opening Page/Spread — Computer Generated
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “The Lost Colonies”
Best’s Review
A.M. Best Company
September 2007
Angel Negron
“Pay Day”
CRM Magazine
Information Today
October 2007
Laura Hegyi
Silver “3-D Ultrasound”
RT Image
Valley Forge Publishing Group
Dec. 3, 2007
Meridith Osifchin
“The CIO Dilemma”
Information Week
CMP Media/
United Business Media
March 26, 2007
Mary Ellen Forte
Bronze “Banking Gets Greener”
Financial Executive
Financial Executive
June 2007
Jeffrey Marshall, Laura Avello, Ellen M. Heffes
“Learn Like a Human”
IEEE Spectrum
April 2007
Laura Azran, Bryan Christie Design, Mark Montgomery
Opening Page/Spread — Photo
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Leading libraries”
January 2007
Chris Lake, Mary Beth Cadwell
“Water for Profit”
CFO Publishing
February 2007
Robert Lesser, Heather Godin and Carol Lieb
Silver “ALPHA Prairie Watchdog”
Institutional Investor Inc.
June 2007
Nathan Sinclair, Art Director; Daniella Nilva, Photo Editor; Alden Gewirtz, Associate Photo Editor; Diana Panfil, Deputy Art Director; Lee Wilson, Senior Designer
“Chain Gang”
CRM Magazine
Information Today
October 2007
Laura Hegyi
Bronze “Storage managers in control”
May 2007
Ryan Donnell, Mary Beth Cadwell
“Robots, Incorporated”
IEEE Spectrum
August 2007
Laura Azran, Brian Smale, Randi Silberman, Mark Montgomery

2008 Central-Southeast Region Winners
30th Annual Azbee Awards of Excellence

Case History
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Here’s the Church, and Here are the People”
Collinson Publishing
August 2007
Regina McGee, Kate Burton, Karen Hoots, Chris Collinson, Laura Moss
“The Luxury of Time”
Hanley Wood
February 2007
Jenny Sullivan, Nigel F. Maynard, Denise Dersin, Edwin Malstrom, Deborah Leopold
Silver “A Hall of Fame Homer”
The Big Picture
ST Media Group
January 2007
Gregory Sharpless, Kacey King, Peggy Middendorf, Clare Baker, Jaxon Cook
“The New American Home 2007”
Hanley Wood
January 2007
Rich Binsacca, Denise Dersin, Edwin Malstrom, Deborah Leopold, Boyce Thompson
Bronze “Blowing up the business plan”
Smart Business Columbus
Smart Business Network
August 2007
Nancy Byron
“Library of Congress”
Government Computer News
1105 Media
July 16, 2007
William Jackson
Editorial/Editor’s Letter
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Viewpoint”
Quality Assurance and Food Safety
GIE Media
January/February and September/October 2007
Dan Moreland
“Editor’s Notes”
Hanley Wood
July 2007, September 2007
Denise Dersin
Silver “No Detail Too Small,” “The Greener Side of Golf”
Golf Course Industry
GIE Media
September 2007, March 2007
John Walsh
“Just In Time”
Penton Media
April 2007, September 2007
David Blanchard
Bronze “Paris Hilton — 23 Days;” “BP Officials — 0” and “Making Your ‘Neighborhood’ a Positive Place”
Occupational Hazards
Penton Media
July 2007, December 2007
Sandy Smith
“First Word”
Hanley Wood
January 2007, July 2007
Sal Alfano
Feature Article
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “After the Storm”
Residential Architect
Hanley Wood
August 2007
Residential Architect Staff
“Building Stability”
Military Officer
Military Officers Association of America
Feb 2007
Military Officer Staff
Silver “The Rise of the RN”
Architect Magazine
Hanley Wood
December 2007
Ned Cramer, Amanda Kolson Hurley
“To Roth or Not to Roth”
Journal of Accountancy
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
February 2007
Paul Bonner, Delton Chesser, Charles Davis, Timothy Thomasson, Randi Grant
Bronze “Changing face of propane”
LP Gas Magazine
Questex Media Group
March 2007
Jennifer Webb, Patrick Hyland, Kim Traumand“The Invisible Wall”
American Society for Training & Development
March 2007
Michael Laff
“Back From the Brink”
Hanley Wood
July 2007
Stacey Freed, Sal Alfano, Ingrid Bush
How-To Article
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Reinventing a Classic”
Hanley Wood
Spring 2007
Alison Rice, Edito; Cati O’Keefe, Managing Editor; Rachel Z. Azoff, Associate Editor
“Command Performance”
Hanley Wood
September 2007
Rich Binsacca, Denise Dersin, Evan Potler, Deborah Leopold, Boyce Thompson
Silver “What Are Your Weaknesses?”
Security Management
American Society for Industrial Security International
October 2007
John Wagley
“Trade Secrets: Crunch Time”
Hanley Wood
August 2007
Pat Curry, Steve Zurier, Denise Dersin, Evan Potler, Deborah Leopold
Bronze “Web Marketing 102”
Replacement Contractor
Hanley Wood
July/August 2007
Jim Cory, Ingrid Bush
“Dealing With Death”
Physicians Practice
Physicians Practice
February 2007
Robert Redling
Individual/Organization Profile
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Sixth Sense”
Multifamily Executive
Hanley Wood
August 2007
Shabnam Mogharabi, Editor; Kate Herman, Managing Editor; Rachel Z. Azoff, Associate Editor
“Cathedral Builder”
Hanley Wood
October 2007
Leah Thayer, Sal Alfano, Ingrid Bush
Silver “Custom Builder of the Year”
Custom Home
Hanley Wood
January/February 2007
Bruce D. Snider, Leslie Ensor, Jennifer Goodman
“HR at the Summit”
HR Magazine
Society for Human Resource Management
June 2007
Bill Roberts
Bronze “Urban Groundbreakers”
Multifamily Executive
Hanley Wood
September 2007
Shabnam Mogharabi, Editor; Kate Herman, Managing Editor; Chris Wood, Senior Editor
“Sweeter the Second Time”
Physicians Practice
Physicians Practice
November 2007
Laurie Hyland Robertson
News Analysis/Investigative
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “The Writing’s On the Wall”
Success In Home Care
United Communications Group
May/June 2007
Sara Jackson
“Wi-Fi to the Rescue”
Government Computer News
1105 Media
Aug. 27, 2007
Trudy Walsh
Original Research
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Keep Your Promises”
Hanley Wood
September 2007
Andy Carlo
“You Be the Judge”
Physicians Practice
Physicians Practice
June 2007
Pamela L. Moore, PhD
Silver “WHZ SO VN?”
American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators
Fall 2007
Melissa Ferrari, Katelyn Wyszynski, Jason King, Stefan Lonce
“2007 Remodeling Business Benchmarking Survey”
Hanley Wood
December 2007
Hayden Alfano, Sal Alfano, Ingrid Bush
Bronze “Top 100 Growers”
Greenhouse Grower
Meister Media Worldwide
May 2007
Sara Tambascio, Patrick Brickman
“IndustryWeek 500 / IndustryWeek 50”
Penton Media
June 2007
Traci Purdum, David Blanchard
Regular Column, Contributed
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “The New Bull Connors”
Youth Today
American Youth Work Center
February 2007
Mike Males
“Silicon Jack”
Latin Trade
Latin Trade
April, June 2007
Jack Epstein
Silver “The Business of Life”
Smart Business Atlanta
Smart Business Network
August and February 2007
Jim Huling
“Shawn McCadden”
Hanley Wood
January 2007, April 2007
Shawn McCadden, Leah Thayer, Sal Alfano, Ingrid Bush
Bronze “Circular File”
Waste Age
Penton Media
April 2007, September 2007
Chaz Miller, Steven Averett, Stephen Ursery, Chris Carlson, Deanna Hart
“Berke on Safety”
Machine Design
Penton Media
March 22, June 21, 2007
Lanny Berke, Jessica Shapiro
Regular Column, Staff Written
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Experts” and “Someday, Soon?”
Florida Trend
Trend Magazines
March and December 2007
Mark R. Howard
No award given
Silver “Pork Potpurri”
Youth Today
Youth Today
September 2007
Bill Treanor
No award given
Bronze “Straight Talk / Fond Farewell”
Hanley Wood
January 2007 / May 2007
Chris Wood
No award given
Regular Department
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Above the Fold”
Newspaper Association of America
October, November, December 2007
“History Lesson”
Civil Engineering
American Society of Civil Engineers
April, May, and June 2007
Brett Hansen
Silver “Apartment Life”
Multifamily Executive
Hanley Wood
May, June, July 2007
Shabnam Mogharabi, Editor; Kate Herman, Managing Editor; Chris Wood, Senior Editor; Les Shaver, Senior Editor
Hanley Wood
October, November, December 2007
Sal Alfano, Judith Miller, Alan Hanbury Jr., Ingrid Bush
Bronze “Making the Rounds”
Today’s Medical Developments
GIE Media
September, October, November, December 2007
Kelsey Higginbotham
“Market Watch”
Hanley Wood
May 2007, June 2007, July 2007
Hayden Alfano, Sal Alfano, Ingrid Bush
Special Section
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Homeland Security Report Card”
KMD Media
September 2007
David Silverberg
“Green Remodeling”
Hanley Wood
March 2007
Sal Alfano, Alice Bumgarner, Ingrid Bush
Silver “State of the Industry”
October 2007
PCT Staff
“The Cutting Edge of Defense IT”
Government Computer News
1105 Media
Aug. 6, 2007
Kevin McCaney, Wilson Dizard III, Kathleen Hickey, John Rendleman, Joab Jackson
Bronze “Unwrapping the Final Rule”
Penton Media
May 2007
Gail Walker, Susanne Hopkins, James Faucett, David Mitchell
Hanley Wood
November 2007
Sal Alfano, Charlie Wardell, Ingrid Bush
Technical Article
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “New Chemical Solutions”
Security Management
American Society for Industrial Security International
August 2007
Matthew Harwood
“High-Performance Art”
Hanley Wood
January 2007
Nigel F. Maynard, Denise Dersin, Edwin Malstrom, Deborah Leopold, Boyce Thompson
Silver “Turning thoughts into action”
Medical Design
Penton Media
March 2007
Victoria Reitz
“Tower of Power”
Civil Engineering
American Society of Civil Engineers
October 2007
Gonzalo García-Sobrinos; Ignasi Salvador-Villà, ICCP; Jesús Serradilla-Echarri
Bronze “Decoding the Digital Picture”
Security Management
American Society for Industrial Security International
October 2007
Laura Spadanuta
“Grand Inspiration”
Civil Engineering
American Society of Civil Engineers
September 2007
Robert L. Reid
Feature Article Design
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “A Serviceable Icon”
Architect Magazine
Hanley Wood
October 2007
Aubrey Altmann, Ned Cramer, Jason Fulford, Amanda Kolson Hurley, Marcy Ryan
“Home Improvement Financing”
Hanley Wood Publishing
November 2007
Judy Neighbor, Mary Endres, David Plunkert
Silver “Gray Matters”
Florida Trend
Trend Magazines
December 2007
Gary Bernloehr, Jason Morton, Jeffrey Camp
“Trade Secrets: Crunch Time”
Hanley Wood
August 2007
Evan Potler, Denise Dersin
Bronze “After the Storm”
Residential Architect
Hanley Wood Publishing
August 2007
Judy H. Neighbor, Various photographers and illustrators
“Sky Watcher”
Civil Engineering
American Society of Civil Engineers
May 2007
Jan Hilton
Front Cover — Computer Generated
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Greener Pastures Cover”
Building Products
Hanley Wood
March/April 2007
Evan Potler, Allison Levy
“The Cutting Edge of Defense IT”
Government Computer News
1105 Media
Aug. 6, 2007
Jeff Langkau
Silver “Money Ball”
Florida Trend
Trend Magazines
November 2007
Gary Bernloehr, Jason Morton
“October 2007 cover”
American City & County
Penton Media
October 2007
Bill Wolpin, Wes Clark, Lindsay Isaacs, Edward Brock, Deanna Hart
Bronze “Clearing the Air”
Waste Age
Penton Media
January 2007
David Mitchell, Stephen Ursery, Steven Averett, Deanna Hart
“2007 Business Benchmarking Survey”
Hanley Wood Publishing
December 2007
Judy Neighbor, Anders Wenngren
Front Cover — Photo
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Portrait of a Broken Lake”
Florida Trend
Trend Magazines
September 2007
Gary Bernloehr, Jason Morton, Jeffrey Camp
“January 2007”
Civil Engineering
American Society of Civil Engineers
January 2007
Jan Hilton
Silver “Out-of-Home Makes a Splash”
The Big Picture
ST Media Group
December 2007
Gregory Sharpless, Peggy Middendorf, Jaxon Cook, Clare Baker, Angela Prues
“August 2007”
Civil Engineering
American Society of Civil Engineers
August 2007
Jan Hilton
Bronze “Bright Spots”
Florida Trend
Trend Magazines
April 2007
Gary Bernloehr, Jason Morton, Jeffrey Camp
“November 2007”
Civil Engineering
American Society of Civil Engineers
November 2007
Jan Hilton
Opening Page/Spread — Computer Generated
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Bid Adieu To Bidding Blues”
GIE Media
October 2007
Andrea Vagas
“Midnight Run”
Hanley Wood
September 2007
Evan Potler, Denise Dersin
Silver “A Serious Crush”
Construction & Demolition Recycling Magazine
GIE Media
March/April 2007
Jennifer Pies
“When Will It End?”
Hanley Wood
October 2007
Evan Potler, Denise Dersin
Bronze “Outlook 2008”
Landscape Management
Questex Media Group
Dec 2007
Carrie Parkhill
“Well served”
American City & County
Penton Media
April 2007
Bill Wolpin, Wes Clark, Lindsay Isaacs, Edward Brock, Deanna Hart
Opening Page/Spread — Photo
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “A Mod, Mod World”
Multifamily Executive
Hanley Wood
August 2007
Shabnam Mogharabi, Editor; Susan Morrison, Art Director; Kate Herman, Managing Editor; Melissa Goldweitz, Graphic Designer; Jill Waldbieser, Contributor
“Tower of Power”
Civil Engineering
American Society of Civil Engineers
October 2007
Jan Hilton
Silver “Growing Green”
Real Estate Portfolio
The Magazine Group
March/April 2007
Kevin Hambel, The Magazine Group, National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts
“Taking the Lead”
Civil Engineering
American Society of Civil Engineers
December 2007
Jan Hilton
Bronze “Meet the Bloggers”
Architect Magazine
Hanley Wood
September 2007
Braulio Agnese, Aubrey Altmann, Stewart Ferebb, Gideon Fink Shapiro, Marcy Ryan
“Passionate Pursuits”
Hanley Wood
June 2007
Evan Potler, Denise Dersin

2008 Midwest-South Region Winners
30th Azbee Annual Awards of Excellence

Case History
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Can Your Nurses Stop a Surgeon?”
Hospitals & Health Networks
Health Forum
September 2007
Matthew Weinstock
“Poetry in Motion”
Control Engineering
Reed Business Information
February 2007
Peter Welander, Process Industries Editor; Renee Robbins, Editorial Director
Silver “Experiential Light and Sound”
Stamats Communications
April 2007
Craig DiLouie, Scott Easton, Elisa Geneser
No award
Bronze “Trading Up”
Chain Leader
Reed Business Information
March 2007
David Farkas
No award
Editorial/Editor’s Letter
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Your Mission, Since You Accepted”
Modern Healthcare
Modern Healthcare
Aug. 13, Sept. 24, 2007
Todd Sloane
“United-Sierra Merger a Bad Deal/Fighting Back Against Frivolous Lawsuits”
American Medical News
American Medical Association
April 16, June 18, 2007
Tanya Albert Henry
Silver “Who Deserves Credit?/Ford Dealers a Loyal Bunch”
Ward’s Dealer Business
Ward’s Communications
January, March 2007
Steve Finlay
“Editor’s Report”
MOTOR Magazine
MOTOR Information Systems
April and August 2007
John Lypen
Bronze “Human or Numbers Contractor?; No Harm in Preaching Energy Conservation”
The Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration News
BNP Media
Jan. 22, April 23, 2007
Mark Skaer
“From the Editor”
Plant Services
Putman Media
March, September 2007
Paul Studebaker, CMRP
Feature Article
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “The Heat is On — How global warming is closing in on the U.S. auto industry”
Automotive News
Crain Communications
Feb. 5, 2007
Harry Stoffer, Peter Brown
“When Practicing Becomes Policing”
American Medical News
American Medical Association
March 26, 2007
Damon Adams
Silver “Claims Process Altered By New Technologies”
Insurance Networking News
Insurance Networking News
December 2007
Bill Kenealy, Pat Speer, Carrie Burns, Alex Vorro
“Boom Times”
Farm Industry News
Penton Media
November 2007
Jodie Wehrspann
Bronze “The Pressure’s On”
Athletic Business
Athletic Business
March 2007
Paul Steinbach, Katy Williams
“B20 gains steam”
Equipment World
Randall-Reilly Publishing
August 2007
Marcia Gruver
How-To Article
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “The Cost of Chaos”
Custom Builder
Reed Business Information
April 2007
Matt Power, Paul Deffenbaugh, Erin Erickson, Larry Nigh
“Tightening Internal Controls”
Commercial Carrier Journal
Randall-Reilly Publishing
July 2007
Andy Duncan, Avery Vise, Dean Smallwood
Silver “Properly install column internals”
Chemical Processing
Putman Media
February 2007
Mark Rosenzweig, Ken Schnepf, Derek Chamberlain
“Medicare Pay-for-Reporting: How to Get Your 1.5%”
American Medical News
American Medical Association
June 4, 2007
David Glendinning
Bronze “”The Fine Print: How to Avoid the Pitfalls of a Poorly Designed Contract””
Modern Woodworking
Randall-Reilly Publishing Company
September 2007
Brooke Baldwin Wisdom
“Fresh Air”
Truckers News
Randall-Reilly Publishing
August 2007
John Baxter, Randy Grider, Kristin Walters, Todd Dills, Richard Street
Individual/Organization Profile
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Dr. Bruce Charash: Turning Garbage Into a Godsend”
PCMA Convene
Professional Convention Management Association
November 2007
Andrea Doyle, Senior Writer; Michelle Russell, Editor in Chief
“Counter Attack”
Restaurants & Institutions
Reed Business Information
December 2007
Scott Hume
Silver “No Time for Café au lait”
Public Works
Hanley Wood
September 2007
Craig Guillot, Writer and Photographer; Stephanie Johnston, Editor in Chief; Victoria Sicaras, Managing Editor
“Bloggers’ Grand Rounds”
American Medical News
American Medical Association
Jan. 15, 2007
Tyler Chin
Bronze “Food Packager of the Year: Heinz North America”
Food & Drug Packaging
BNP Media
October 2007
Lisa McTigue Pierce, Pan Demetrakakes, Megan Waitkoff
“Builder of the Year”
Professional Builder
Reed Business Information
December 2007
Ann Matesi, Paul Deffenbaugh, Erin Erickson, Sara Zailskas, Bill Patton
News Analysis/Investigative
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “It’s Criminal”
Modern Healthcare
Modern Healthcare
Oct. 1, 2007
Gregg Blesch
“Picking on the Bad Apples”
Commercial Carrier Journal
Randall-Reilly Publishing
February 2007
Avery Vise
Original Research
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Most Wired”
Hospitals & Health Networks
Health Forum
July 2007
Alden Solovy, Suzanna Hoppzeallern, Sarah B. Brown
“Creatures of Habit”
Randall-Reilly Publishing Co.
March 2007
Todd Dills, Kenneth Stubbs, Max Heine, Steven Mackay
Silver “Fighting for Funds”
Health Facilities Management
American Hospital Association
June 2007
Dave Carpenter, Suzanna Hoppszallern
“Consuming Passions”
Restaurants & Institutions
Reed Business Information
January 2007
The R&I Editorial Staff
Bronze “The Quest for Green”
Professional Remodeler
Reed Business Information
September 2007
Michael R. Morris, Jonathan Sweet, Judi Damm, Sara Zailskas, Larry Nigh
“Rodeo Drive”
Farm Industry News
Penton Media
October 2007
Karen McMahon, Farm Industry News Staff
Regular Column, Contributed
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Carved in Stone”
Aggregates Manager
Randall-Reilly Publishing Co.
April, August 2007
Tina Grady Barbaccia, Senior Editor; Therese Dunphy, Editor-in-Chief; Bill Langer, Contributor
“Crisis Corner”
Plant Services
Putman Media
March, May 2007
Joel Leonard
Silver “Engineering Management”
Snack Food & Wholesale Bakery
BNP Media
August, March 2007
Jeff Dearduff
“Energy Expert”
Plant Services
Putman Media
June, December 2007
Peter Garforth
Bronze “Good Hands: Back to the Beginning and Good Hands: Stepping Up for Success”
Skin Inc. magazine
Allured Publishing
February, July 2007
Skin Inc. magazine editorial team
“Performance Perspectives”
MOTOR Magazine
MOTOR Information Systems
March, July 2007
Mike Mavrigian
Regular Column, Staff Written
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “College Sports”
Athletic Business
Athletic Business
April, November 2007
Paul Steinbach, Katy Williams
“Dollars & Sense”
Randall-Reilly Publishing Co.
February, May 2007
Max Heine
Silver “For-Profits”
Athletic Business
Athletic Business
May, August 2007
Andrew Cohen, Katy Williams
Commercial Carrier Journal
Randall-Reilly Publishing
May, December 2007
Aaron Huffand“My Way”
My Business
Hammock Publishing
February/March April/May 2007
Hammock, Inc.; Harvey King
Bronze “Editor’s Note”
Custom Builder
Reed Business Information
Susan Bady
No award
Regular Department
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Competitive Watch”
CSP Information Group
August, September, October 2007
Samantha Oller
“R&I Insights”
Restaurants & Institutions
Reed Business Information
March 1, March 15, April 1, 2007
The R&I Editorial Staff
Silver “Supply Chain”
Modern Healthcare
Modern Healthcare
Aug. 27, Sept. 24, Oct. 22, 2007
Shawn Rhea
“Professional Issues”
American Medical News
American Medical Association
April 23-30, May 7, May 14, 2007
Professional Issues Staff
Bronze “Maintenance Tips”
Foodservice Equipment Reports
Gill Ashton Publishing
May, July, September 2007
Michael Romico, Jennifer Hicks, Julie Wilhm
Realtor Magazine
National Association of Realtors
August, September, November 2007
G.M. Filisko, Wendy Cole, Maggie Sieger
Special Section
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Global Warming”
Stamats Communications
August 2007
Linda Monroe, Jana Madsen, Leah Garris
“Slow Ride”
Randall-Reilly Publishing Co.
June 2007
Todd Dills, Max Heine, John Baxter, Linda Longton, Kenneth Stubbs
Silver “”Best AEC Firms to Work For””
Building Design+Construction
Reed Business Information
May 2007
Peter Fabris, Maggie Koerth-Baker, Dave Barista, Robert Cassidy
“30th Anniversary”
Truckers News
Randall-Reilly Publishing
November 2007
Todd Dills, Randy Grider, Kristin Walters, John Latta, Richard Street
Bronze “The Store Design Annual”
Music Inc.
Maher Publications
November 2007
Andy Williams, Zach Phillips, Frank Alkyer, Kevin Maher, Jenny Domine
“AMA House of Delegates”
American Medical News
American Medical Association
July 16, 2007
AMNews Staff
Technical Article
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Internet Strategies Custom Builders Need”
Custom Builder
Reed Business Information
May 2007
Mark Jarasek, Paul Deffenbaugh, Erin Erickson, Sara Zailskas, Larry Nigh
“Build a Better Web Site”
Professional Builder
Reed Business Information
February 2007
John Rymer, Paul Deffenbaugh, Erin Erickson, Sara Zailskas, Bill Patton
Silver “The Great Safety Debate”
Automation World
Summit Media
April 2007
Wes Iversen
“The Connected Farm”
Farm Industry News
Penton Media
February 2007
David Hest
Bronze “How to Ensure Sprinkler-System Reliability”
Stamats Communications
April 2007
Jana Madsenand“Working to Make Concrete Pavements Good Neighbors”
Construction Equipment
Reed Business Information
March 2007
Walt Moore
“Accurate to the Inch”
Farm Industry News
Penton Media
January 2007
Jodie Wehrspann
Feature Article Design
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “No Longer Next”
Professional Remodeler
Reed Business Information
May 2007
Larry Nigh, Jonathan Sweet, Michael R. Morris, Judi Damm
“New Orleans: Still Cooking”
Restaurants & Institutions
Reed Business Information
August 2007
Stacy Coale, Scott Hume, Allison Perlik
Silver “Six Simple Snips for Significant Savings”
Exhibitor Magazine
Exhibitor Magazine Group
June 2007
Exhibitor Magazine Group
“”The Only Tool You Need””
Realtor Magazine
National Association of Realtors
March 2007
Julie Fournier, Isabella Matthews
Bronze “The Retail Excellence Awards”
Music Inc. Magazine
Maher Publications
December 2007
Andy Williams, Zach Phillips, Frank Alkyer, Kevin Maher, Jenny Domine
“”Tech It At Your Own Speed””
Realtor Magazine
National Association of Realtors
August 2007
Isabella Mathews
Front Cover — Computer Generated
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “The Quest for Green”
Professional Remodeler
Reed Business Information
September 2007
Larry Nigh, Bonnie James, Michael R. Morris, Jonathan Sweet, Judi Damm
“Are You Secure?”
Control Engineering
Reed Business Information
April 2007
Mary Sondergaard, Tom Rybarczyk, Peter Welander
Silver “Most Wired”
Hospitals & Health Networks
Health Forum
July 2007
Chuck Lazar
“Putting the “Industrial” in Ethernet”
Control Engineering
Reed Business Information
June 2007
Mary Sondergaard, Frances Baetiong, Tom Rybarczyk, Mark Hoske
Bronze “Image Makeover”
HealthLeaders Media
March 2007
Doug Ponte
“Connecting the Plant and the Enterprise”
Control Engineering
Reed Business Information
December 2007
Frances Baetiong, Tom Rybarczyk, Charlie Masi
Front Cover — Photo
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Chemical Industry Sees Green”
Chemical Processing
Putman Media Inc.
January 2007
Chemical Processing Team
“May 2007 – Cover”
Realtor Magazine
National Association of Realtors
May 2007
Julie Fournier
Silver “Eco-Friendly Exhibiting”
Exhibitor Magazine
Exhibitor Magazine Group
March 2007
Exhibitor Magazine Group
“Fast, fruitful filling”
Packaging Digest
Reed Business Information
December 2007
Lora Lee Gelles, John Kalkowski
Bronze “Small – Town Grit”
HealthLeaders Media
January 2007
Doug Ponte
Restaurants & Institutions
Reed Business Information
April 1, 2007
Stacy Coale, Allison Perlik, Tyllie Barbosa
Opening Page/Spread — Computer Generated
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Will There Be Enough Doctors?”
HealthLeaders Media
October 2007
Doug Ponte
“The Elusive Patient”
American Medical News
American Medical Association
May 14, 2007
Casey Braun, Jashar Awan
Silver “Heart Health Naturally”
Wellness Foods
Putman Media Inc.
February 2007
Wellness Foods Team
“21 Diners, 21 Days”
Restaurants & Institutions
Reed Business Information
April 1, 2007
Stacy Coale, Scott Hume, Bonnie James
Bronze “What All Great Hospitals Do”
HealthLeaders Media
August 2007
Doug Ponte
“Biofuel Backlash”
The Corn And Soybean Digest
Penton Media
Mid-March 2007
Mark Leiknes, Greg Lamp
Opening Page/Spread — Photo
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Build to Last”
Control Design
Putman Media Inc.
February 2007
Control Design Team
“To the last byte”
Plant Services
Putman Media Inc.
April 2007
Plant Services Team
Silver “Your Prime Choice – 2007 Readers Choice Awards”
Food Processing
Putman Media Inc.
February 2007
Food Processing Team
“Boom Times”
Farm Industry News
Penton Media
November 2007
Lynn Varpness
Bronze “The Top 25”
Music Inc. Magazine
Maher Publications
March, April 2007
Andy Williams, Zach Phillips, Frank Alkyer, Kevin Maher, Jenny Domine
“Innovators Series: Brokerage Roundtable”
Realtor Magazine
National Association of Realtors
March 2007
Julie Fournier

2008 West Region Winners
30th Annual Awards of Excellence

Case History
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Ship Shape”
Computer Graphics World
COP Communications
July 2007
Karen Moltenbrey
No award
Silver “Alcoa Power: The Payoff””
Reliable Plant Magazine
Noria Corp.
November/December 2007
Paul V. Arnold
No award
Bronze “Processing of Damaged Inventory”
iSixSigma Magazine
CTQ Media
March/April 2007
Michael Cyger, Erin Ducceschi, Jessica Harper, Joan Skipper, Amy Nash
No award
Editorial/Editor’s Letter
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “In Praise of Strong Leaders; Owners Get Mine; Tenants, Shaft”
Apartment Finance Today
Hanley Wood
May and October 2007
Andre Shashaty
“Deborah Whistler Editorials”
Heavy Duty Trucking
Newport Communications Group
September and November 2007
Deborah Whistler
Silver “The Last Word”
Workforce Management
Crain Communications
Feb. 12 and Sept. 10, 2007
John Hollon
“Industry Viewpoint”
Electrical Construction & Maintenance (EC&M)
Penton Media
March and May 2007
Mike Eby, Ellen Parson, Stefanie Kure, David Eckhart
Bronze “Grapevine”
Affordable Housing Finance
Hanley Wood
March and July 2007
Andre Shashaty
PC World
PC World Communications/ IDG
May and November 2007/IDG
Harry McCracken, Ramon G. McLeod, Steven Gray, Barbara Adamson, Beth Kamoroff
Feature Article
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Radical, Dude”
Computer Graphics World
COP Communications
June 2007
Barbara Robertson and Karen Moltenbrey
“Just Cancel the @#%$* Account!”
PC World
PC World Communications/ IDG
February 2007
Tom Spring, Edward N. Albro, Steven Gray, Barbara Adamson, Jeff Berlin
Silver “Slow Burn”
Pool & Spa News
Hanley Wood
March 12, 2007
Erika Taylor, Bob Dumas, Linda Green
“Air Rescue in 2007”
Occupational Health & Safety
1105 Media Inc.
June 2007
Ronnie Rittenberry
Bronze “Winning Women Back”
Workforce Management
Crain Communications
April 9, 2007
Jessica Marquez
“Short Sale Basics”
California Real Estate
California Association of Realtors
August 2007
Anne Framroze, Paula Hess, Elyse Umlauf-Garneau
How-To Article
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Facing the Obstacles”
Pool & Spa News
Hanley Wood
Sept. 17, 2007
Erika Taylor, Rebecca Robledo, Linda Green
“Lock it Up”
Mac Publishing/IDG
November 2007
Dan Miller, Joe Kissell, Rob Griffiths
Silver “Electric Motor Lubrication: Get it Right and Reduce Failures”
Machinery Lubrication Magazine
Noria Corp.
November/December 2007
Jeremy Wright, Jenny Kucera
“Customizing and Deploying Office 2007”
Windows IT Pro
Penton Media
May 2007
Dan Holme
Bronze “Disaster Recovery On a Shoestring”
System iNEWS
Penton Media
January 2007
Larry Youngren
“Lumen Crunching for Dummies”
Electrical Construction & Maintenance (EC&M)
Penton Media
May 2007
Mike Eby, Ellen Parson, Stefanie Kure, David Eckhart, James Benya
Individual/Organization Profile
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Locked into the Customer”
Insurance Journal
Wells Publishing
Nov. 19, 2007
Andrew Simpson, Andrea Ortega-Wells, Guy Boccia, Lori Widmer
“New Belgium Brews a Potent Unified Communications Combo”
Windows IT Pro
Penton Media
December 2007
Anne Grubb
Silver “Bring on the Giants”
Workforce Management
Crain Communications
Oct. 8, 2007
Ed Frauenheim
No award
Bronze “TXU Electric Delivery Builds Partnership Future”
Transmission & Distribution World
Penton Media
February 2007
Rick Bush, Vito Longo, Emily Saarela, Carrie Parsons, Susan Lakin
No award
News Analysis/Investigative
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “What Killed America’s Job Bank?”
Workforce Management
Crain Communications
July 23, 2007
Ed Frauenheimand“Bad-Guy Bulbs”
Electrical Wholesaling
Penton Media
July 2007
Doug Chandler, Jim Lucy, David Eckhart
“Return To Limbo”
Heavy Duty Trucking
Newport Communications Group
September 2007
Oliver B. Patton
Original Research
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Six Sigma Saves a Fortune”
iSixSigma Magazine
CTQ Media
January/February 2007
Michael Marx, Michael Cyger, Frank Ducceschi, Erin Ducceschi, Joan Skipper
“Record Gains Bring Labor Pains”
Electrical Construction & Maintenance (EC&M)
Penton Media
September 2007
Mike Eby, Beck Ireland, Ellen Parson, Stefanie Kure, David Eckhart
Silver “New Players Enter E&O Market”
Insurance Journal
Wells Publishing
Nov. 19, 2007
Stephanie K. Jones, Andrea Ortega-Wells, Jamie Bethell, Andrew Simpson
“Nothing But Blue Skies”
Electrical Construction & Maintenance (EC&M)
Penton Media
April 2007
Mike Eby, Beck Ireland, Ellen Parson, Stefanie Kure, David Eckhart
Bronze “Portrait of an Agent”
TravelAge West
Northstar Travel Media
Nov. 12, 2007
Ana Figueroa, Kenneth Shapiro
No awards
Regular Column, Contributed
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Mind Over Miller”
Veterinary Medicine
Advanstar Veterinary Healthcare Communications
May and November 2007
Veterinary Medicine Staff; Robert M. Miller, DVM
“Technology Column”
California Real Estate
California Association of Realtors
July and September 2007
Anne Framroze, Paula Hess, Rick Broida
Silver “The Materials Analyst”
Injection Molding
Canon Communications
July and August 2007
Michael Sepe
“Changes to Windows Server Virtualization; How Windows Server 2008 Developed”
Windows IT Pro
Penton Media
August and December 2007
Paul Thurrott
Bronze “The Last Word”
Workforce Management
Crain Communications
Sept. 24 and Nov. 19, 2007
Dr. John Sullivan
“Illustrated Catastrophes”
Electrical Construction & Maintenance (EC&M)
Penton Media
January and Maym 2007
Mike Eby, Joe Tedesco, Ellen Parson, Stefanie Kure, David Eckhart
Regular Column, Staff Written
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “What a Good On-site Oil Analysis Lab Should Look Like; Demystifying Viscosity”
Practicing Oil Analysis Magazine
Noria Corp.
May/June and September/October 2007
Ashley Mayer, Jenny Kucera
“Full Disclosure (Fast Fashion & No Worries)”
California Lawyer
Daily Journal Corp.
May and July 2007
Thomas Brom
Silver “Connection Problems; Virtualizing SQL Server”
SQL Server Magazine
Penton Media
March and May 2007
Michael Otey
“OS X Hints”
Mac Publishing/IDG
June and July 2007
Rob Griffiths
Bronze “The Exponent”
Reliable Plant Magazine
Noria Corp.
March/April and May/June 2007
Drew D. Troyer
“Where Do I Find It in Office 2007?; Vista Customizations for Administrators”
Windows IT Pro
Penton Media
May and July 2007
Michael Otey
Regular Department
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Characters With Character”
Transmission & Distribution World
Penton Media
February, March and April 2007
Stefanie Kure
“Forensic Casebook”
Electrical Construction & Maintenance (EC&M)
Penton Media
August, September, and October 2007
Mike Eby, Ellen Parson, Stefanie Kure, David Eckhart
Silver “Spotlight”
Scotsman Guide, residential edition
Scotsman Publishing Inc.
September, October and November 2007
Kirsten Terry, Tony Stasiek, Scotsman Guide Staff
“Consumer Watch”
PC World
PC World Communications/ IDG
September, October and November 2007
Yardena Arar, Tom Spring, Amber Bouman, Jeff Berlin
Bronze “Data Bank”
Workforce Management
Crain Communications
Sept. 10, Sept. 24, and Oct. 8, 2007
Fay Hansen
“Emissions Department”
Heavy Duty Trucking
Newport Communications Group
September, October, November 2007
Steve Sturgess, Tom Berg, Deborah Whistler, Jim Beach
Special Section
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Digital Transmission”
Transmission & Distribution World
Penton Media
November 2007
Rick Bush, Gene Wolf, Emily Saarela, Carrie Parsons, Susan Lakin
“Special Pull-Out Section for Brokers & Managers”
California Real Estate
California Association of Realtors
August 2007
Anne Framroze, Paula Hess, Nancy Duckworth Banks
Silver “Green Revolutioin”
Communication World
International Association of Business Communicators
November-December 2007
Communication World, Grayton Publishing
“Windows IT Pro Innovators Share Their Successes”
Windows IT Pro
Penton Media
November 2007
Anne Grubb, Jeff James
Bronze “The euthanasia problem: How practitioners can help”
Veterinary Medicine
Advanstar Veterinary Healthcare Communications
October 2007
Veterinary Medicine Staff, John Lofflin
“75th Anniversary Special Section”
Occupational Health & Safety
1105 Media Inc.
January 2007
Jerry Laws, Ronnie Rittenberry, Marc Barrera, Linda Johnson Sherrard
Technical Article
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Managing DTV loudness with dialnorm”
Broadcast Engineering
Penton Media
March 2007
Brad Dick, Susan Anderson, Angela Snell, Spring Suptic, Robin Metheny
“New Fuels, New Problems”
Heavy Duty Trucking
Newport Communications Group
June 2007
Deborah Lockridge
Silver “A Comprehensive Look at the Acid Number Test”
Practicing Oil Analysis Magazine
Noria Corp.
July/August 2007
Andy Coverdell, Jenny Kucera
“Your PC in 2008 and Beyond”
PC World
PC World Communications/ IDG
November 2007
Robert Strohmeyer, Edward N. Albro, Tracy Yee-Vaught, Beth Kamoroff, Barbara Adamson
Bronze “RPG Rules!”
System iNEWS
Penton Media
October 2007
Scott Klement
“The Monster That’s Eating Your Rigs”
Heavy Duty Trucking
Newport Communications Group
November 2007
Deborah Lockridge


Feature Article Design
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Funky Tokyo”
TravelAge West
Northstar Travel Media
Dec. 10, 2007
Deborah Dimond, Kenneth Shapiro
“Smart Money”
Mac Publishing/IDG
September 2007
Rob Schultz, Carli Morgenstein, Eric Sturdevant
Silver “Blind Preparation”
Emergency Management
Summer 2007
Kelly Martinelli
“Laptops of Luxury”
PC World
PC World Communications/ IDG
September 2007
Barbara Adamson, Art Director; Beth Kamoroff, Deputy Art Director; Charlie Nucci, Photographer
Bronze “The Power List — Who’s Who in LTCI 2007”
Senior Market Advisor
Wiesner Media
November 2007
Megan Roy, David Johnson, Brian Anderson
No award
Front Cover — Computer Generated
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Why Clients Leave”
November/December 2007
Portia A. Stewart, Angie Seat, Kelly Stazyk
“Cover — Your PC in 2008 and Beyond”
PC World
November 2007
Barbara Adamson, Art Director; Greg Silva, Designer; Marc Simon, Photographer
Silver “Testing the Vitual Waters”
Communication World
International Association of Business Communicators
May-June 2007
Communication World, Grayton Publishing
“Cover — Get More Out of Your PC”
PC World
PC World Communications/ IDG
October 2007
Barbara Adamson, Art Director; Greg Silva, Designer; Marc Simon, Photographer
Bronze “There’s No Place Like Home”
TravelAge West
Northstar Travel Media
March 5, 2007
Deborah Dimond, Kenneth Shapiro
“Unlock the Secrets of the Security Log”
Windows IT Pro
Penton Media
October 2007
Larry Purvis
Front Cover — Photo
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “February Cover”
Aquatics International
Hanley Wood
Feb. 2007
Gary Thill, Dick Coleman, Linda G. Green
“California Real Estate”
California Real Estate
California Association of Realtors
October 2007
Anne Framroze, Paula Hess, Nancy Duckworth Banks, Mitch Tobias
Silver “The euthanasia problem: How you can help”
Veterinary Medicine
Advanstar Veterinary Healthcare Communications
October 2007
Veterinary Medicine Staff, Mark McDonald
No award
Bronze “May/June”
Roast Magazine
JC Publishing
May/June 2007
Jeremy Leff, Connie Blumhardt
No award
Opening Page/Spread — Computer Generated
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Low Carbon Fuel Standards: How to Measure Up?”
Hart Energy Publishing
Third Quarter 2007
Alexa Sanders
“35 Things Every PC User Should Know”
PC World
PC World Communications/ IDG
March 2007
Barbara Adamson, Art Director; Beth Kamoroff, Deputy Art Director; Peter & Maria Hoey, Illustrators
Silver “Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions to Zero: Is it Possible?”
Hart Energy Publishing
Third Quarter 2007
Alexa Sanders
“Secrets of the New Web”
PC World
PC World Communications/ IDG
December 2007
Barbara Adamson, Art Director; Beth Kamoroff, Deputy Art Director; Mick Wiggins, Illustrator
Bronze “Managing DTV loudness with dialnorm”
Broadcast Engineering
Penton Media
March 2007
Brad Dick, Mike Knust, Robin Metheny
“Online Leads…Or Empty Promises?”
California Real Estate
California Association of Realtors
May 2007
Anne Framroze, Paula Hess, Nancy Duckworth Banks, Randy Lyhus
Opening Page/Spread — Photo
Under 80,000 circulation 80,000 or more circulation
Gold “Cerf on the Net”
Government Technology
Kelly Martinelli
“One Drive Fits All”
Mac Publishing/IDG
May 2007
Rob Schultz, Peter Belanger
Silver “Waves of Destruction”
Emergency Management
Spring 2007
Kelly Martinelli
No award
Bronze “Cosmic Creation”
Digital Content Producer
Penton Media
June 2007
Amanda Fletcher, Trevor Boyer
No award

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