2009 Print Azbee Award Winners

Two editors, Frank Lessiter and David Silverberg, received individual honor. Lessiter and Silverberg took home, respectively, the Stephen Barr Award for feature writing and the very first Journalism That Matters Award. Dozens of other editorial and design winners were also honored at the banquet. Read about the award winners.
- Awards banquet program (lists all winners, includes stories on Journalism That Matters and Barr Award winners; 908K PDF)
- Full list of the national award winners (136K Word doc).
- Azbee Awards press release (116K Word doc).
Regional Azbee Finalists and Winners
See who won regional awards:
- Central-Southeast award winners (64K Word doc)
- Midwest-South award winners (66K Word doc)
- Western region award winners (48K Word doc)
- Northeast region award winners (60K Word doc)
2009 dIGITAL Azbee Award Winners
BusinessWeek took the Web Site of the Year award; see slide show of winners
Download the list of 2009 winners in all 28 categories here (64K Word doc.)
More about the 2009 Web Site of the Year and Multi-Platform award winners.
2009 Web Site of the Year Case Study:
BusinessWeek: Audience engagement boosts traffic