Solopreneur Workshop

Solopreneur: Exploring the Business of Contract Journalism
 Solopreneur Workshop: A Checklist for Your Transition

Original air date: September 19, 2024

In this workshop-style webinar plus resources, ASBPE volunteers help freelancers navigate the steps to launch a business, including creating a business roadmap, researching and setting rates, and addressing federal and state business regulations.

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Webinar Details:

Professional contract journalists Diane Sears, Founder and President of DiVerse Media and author of Tapping Your Inner Entrepreneur: Making the Move from Employee to Business Owner, and Jen A. Miller, award-winning freelance writer and author of the Notes from a Hired Pen newsletter and ebook series, join ASBPE to workshop a smooth transition from publication staffer to independent contract journalism business. We walk through a checklist that covers every step of the transition, from creating a business plan, to researching and setting rates, to addressing federal and state business regulations and requirements.

Moderated by ASBPE Vice President and Founder/Chief Content Officer of Bantamedia, Brooke Bilyj, this interactive workshop-style webinar and shared resources will help aspiring freelancers navigate this transition to launch their own business. We’ll dive deeper into additional topics as we continue through Solopreneur: Exploring the Business of Contract Journalism, a 10-part webinar and resource series.


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ASBPE’s “Solopreneur: Exploring the Business of Contract Journalism” is a 10-part webinar series, plus additional resources, that dives into the business side of freelance and contract journalism. During this series, we’ll cover key considerations and steps to launch, build, and sustain a successful contract journalism business. 

Join this journey toward Solopreneur success, whether you’ve been a freelancer for most of your career or you’re a staffer just starting to think about this transition. This series will advance your knowledge about starting and building your freelance business, offer tools and strategies to help grow and scale your approach, and provide continuing education and improvement opportunities for our more seasoned contract journalists.

This archived webinar and accompanying resources are free for ASBPE members.