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Audience Is King!

Original air date: February 22, 2024

Join Travis Hessman, VP of Content at Endeavor Business Media, for a discussion on why "Audience Is King!" and why this makes editors your brand's most valuable assets. Improve both sales and profitability with an audience-first business plan.

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Webinar Details:

Audience Is King! Why this makes editors your brand’s most valuable assets

Content was king. But in the first wave of media’s transformation — when banner ads and impressions drove digital demand — the crown went to a new sovereign: the advertisers. And there it has sat for the past decade.

Today, however, changes in technology, in readers’ demographics and behavior, in reporting, and in the nature and needs of advertising itself have brought a new coup — the rise of audience as king.

On Feb. 22, Endeavor Business Media’s Vice President of Content, Travis Hessman, will detail the logic and potential of a truly audience-first approach and deliver a field-tested business plan that demonstrates exactly how free, independent content teams improve both sales and profitability of their brands via readership and reputation.

While audience may have taken the throne, the move makes editors and content teams the most important value-building assets of any publishing organization. 

Travis Hessman serves as vice president of content at Endeavor Business Media, which makes him responsible for the editorial strategies and ultimate success of EBM’s nearly 100 B2B brands. Prior to this role, he spent over 20 years as a journalist, an editor, and editorial director of publications across a range of B2B and consumer publications. Hessman also serves on ASBPE’s National Board of Directors

This archived webinar is free for ASBPE members.