Apply for ASBPE’s Diversity Fellowship by 2/22/22

The American Society of Business Publication Editors is pleased to announce the 2022-23 ASBPE Diversity Fellowship, providing expenses-paid participation in a series of ASBPE conference, training and virtual networking events.

The fellowship, which debuted for 2021-22, is designed to aid in developing a more diverse corps of journalists and leaders within the community of business-to-business (B2B) specialty publications and to enhance overall awareness of career opportunities in the sector.

Underpinning the program will be “B2B’s Next Frontier,” which is the theme of the 2022 ASBPE National Conference & Azbee Awards Banquet, May 12-13 in Cleveland. ASBPE will pull out all the stops in Cleveland, with a full program of learning and networking for B2B professionals from around the country.

It’s a golden opportunity for the Diversity Fellow to gain insight into best practices of B2B journalism and to interact with colleagues from across the country. Included is the annual presentation of the Azbee Awards of Excellence, which honor the best in B2B journalism. Follow our website and social channels for additional announcements.  

An applicant for the ASBPE Diversity Fellowship must be a person of color, member of the LGBTQ+ community, someone with a disability or otherwise from an underserved ethnic community. Preference will be given to applicants with experience in – or at least a demonstrated interest in – B2B journalism.

Among the eligible professions are editor, reporter/writer, art director, designer, social media manager and multimedia storyteller. B2B freelancers and students in related curricula are eligible. Preference will be given to applicants who have not attended an ASBPE national conference in the past five years.

The fellowship’s funding covers the person’s registration and basic travel costs for “B2B’s Next Frontier” in Cleveland along with the annual Azbees event. ASBPE anticipates awarding one fellowship for 2022-23, and that person will have the opportunity to join with the 2021-2022 Diversity Fellows who also will be present at  the Cleveland event.

The fellow also will be granted complimentary registration to ASBPE’s webinar/networking series between July 2022 and July 2023. An additional in-person event may be offered during that period, and if so, travel costs would be covered by ASBPE.

The yearlong program additionally offers a personalized mentorship option, matching each Diversity Fellow with a long-term or short-term mentor to converse about professional development, workplace challenges, job placement or additional training and networking opportunities in B2B.

Applications for the Diversity Fellowship are currently closed.

Questions about the fellowship program also may be directed to the Diversity Committee through our contact form.