ASBPE Launches New Career Center

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ASBPE has launched a new career-focused website for its members. The new Career Center ( is designed to be the online destination for both B2B publishers/employers and B2B journalists.

The Career Center not only includes ASBPE’s newly enhanced jobs board, but a host of other features, from a Resource Center that helps you plan for and further your career, to résumé assistance, to an Employers portal that assists companies with finding the best candidates for their job openings.

“One of the main goals of our association is to help our members further their careers in B2B journalism,” says ASBPE President Cory Sekine-Pettite. “In addition to our informative webinars, mentoring programs and annual conference, our new Career Center provides more job postings, and career planning than we’ve ever been able to offer in the past. We’re excited to finally make this a reality for ASBPE members.”

The responsive website provides users with an intuitive interface, easy navigation, and a better overall experience across any device of their choice.

For job seekers, get a jump on the competition by uploading your résumé. Our anonymous résumé bank will help employers find you based solely on your experience. Your personal information will remain hidden, and it will be up to you to decide if you’re interested in further contact.

For employers, job posts start at just $199 for a 30-day posting, with additional enhancements available, including access to our anonymous résumé bank. Create an account at and post your next opening.

So, whether you’re a publisher or association looking for the best B2B journalists to join your team, or you’re an individual seeking a new job now or just want to be notified if a new opportunity fits your needs, check out the new ASBPE Career Center. We encourage you to update your ASBPE member profile, and then upload your résumé and boost your B2B career.

“We hope our members find the Career Center as exciting and useful as we do,” Sekine-Pettite says. “ASBPE continually strives to provide the best continuing education, resources, and job opportunities for B2B journalists.”