Here are some of the ways B2B publications are increasingly being tempted to loosen their standards for vetting and fairly presenting content.
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May 2017 Ethics Update
12 ways to keep your publication trustworthy
To help you flag and prevent untruths, fabrications and financially tainted data, here are 12 practices to follow. Collectively, they’ll help ensure that your publication continues to be perceived as credible, accurate, trustworthy, and transparent. … read more
Of 17 editorial ethics challenges, sponsored content is most vexing to Ethics Chat attendees
Sponsored content remains most troublesome to Ethics Chat attendees. … read more
How PR tricks journalists into creating fake news
Also: Valid, unbiased research hard to find. … read more
Four ethical pitfalls in vendor relations
Journalism conflicts of interest appear to be growing these days. Stay away from doing the job that your sales and marketing team should be doing and don’t get chummy by giving advice to vendors. … read more
Editors have moral obligation to their writers
Legal obligations relative to copyright law are one thing. But one can easily argue that freelance writers, in particular, also have “moral” rights. … read more