Blogger Journalism?

By Tonie Auer DFW ASBPE Chapter President and National Blog Committee Chairwoman As a blogger and a journalist, I see a fine line between the two roles. Yes, blogging plays a role in news. I think everyone would … read more

How WWW Changed the World of Publishing

By Thomas R. TeminMedia and Government Consulting After 30 years in business-to-business publishing, I decided to hang my shingle as a consultant. One reason resulted from a question I was asked at an industry conference. The organizers had … read more

Is the News Ever Finished?

By Tonie Auer National Blog Chairwoman and DFW Chapter President I read an interesting blog post on how the Internet and World Wide Web have impacted the way we cover the news. The idea is that a story … read more

What the publishers are saying

By Tonie AuerASBPE National Blog Chairwoman and DFW Chapter President I’ve almost burned up all of my “glass if half-full” optimism as I’ve tried to deny that a recession is looming. I’ve pointed to all the positives and … read more

I’m voting for …

By Tonie Auer ASBPE National Blog Chairwoman and DFW Chapter President In this heated election year when politics are on everyone’s lips, Poynter brought up the valuable question of whether or not journalists should be allowed to speak … read more

Mental-Health Journalism Fellowships Available

Healthcare writers may want to apply for this: The Rosalynn Carter Fellowships for Mental Health Journalism provides six one-year fellowships for journalists to study a selected mental-health topic or mental illnesses. Each journalist awarded will receive a $10,000 … read more

Newsroom guidelines

By Tonie AuerASBPE National Blog Committee Chairwoman and DFW Chapter President Editor and Publisher found a way to get its hands on Seven Guiding Principles for The Washington Times Newsroom developed by the paper’s new executive editor, John … read more

Striking a Balance Between Print and Online

By Katy TomasuloASBPE Washington, DC Chapter President During Sunday’s Super Bowl, domain registration Web site ran an advertisement that indicated, in a nutshell, that the ad they originally intended to run featuring Indy driver Danica Patrick was … read more