Create a LinkedIn Group

by Erin Erickson, Chicago Chapter Vice President;Creator of Me Media: Social Media for Non-Techies This post is adapted from Me Media: Social Media for Non-Techies Create a LinkedIn Group If you are part of an association or group … read more

The Parable of the Perfect Employee

By Steven RollASBPE President The summer after I graduated from college I worked as a telemarketer before starting graduate school in September. Every Monday my boss held a meeting in which he would offer sales tips for the … read more

B2B Communication at Medill

By Abe Peck Last year, I bit when John Lavine, dean at Medill / Northwestern, asked me to head an initiative to strengthen B2B at the School. After all, the first magazine to which I’d consulted, an in-house … read more

A Challenge to Art Directors

By Paul Heney I’m not a creative type, but sometimes I wish that I was. I love that “Aha!” moment when my art director first lays out his or her ideas for a cover concept or a feature … read more

ASBPE National Blog: A Look at 2008

By Tonie AuerDFW Chapter President/National Blog Chairwoman Looking back on our first full year of our ASBPE national blog, I think we’ve seen some wonderful firsts. We’ve had some incredible guest bloggers with big names from Harry McCracken … read more