Applying Foursquare to B2B Publishing

By Ryan Olson Social Networking is the latest buzz making the rounds around the industry. Consequently, as social media adoption becomes mainstream, the process of reaching your audience and/or customers is changing. While you may be a member … read more

Learning from the Sherrod Fiasco

By Maureen Alley Anyone who has been paying attention to the news last week should be aware of the Shirley Sherrod mess that hit Washington. She was the U.S. Department of Agriculture employee who was fired for being … read more

Celebrating Success

By Nikki Golden, Chicago chapter president It struck me, at the Midwest/South Azbee Awards banquet July 22, that we, as journalists, don’t give ourselves a lot of pats on the back. We tend to be a cynical lot, … read more

Brazen Careerist: Q&A with Ryan Paugh

ASBPE interviewed Ryan Paugh of Brazen Careerist. The interview is long but worth the read. If you have follow-up questions, feel free to add them in the comments section. What is Brazen Careerist?Fast Company calls us “Twitter meets … read more

Call for Entries: 2010 Digital Azbee Awards

Give your brand the recognition it deserves! Apply for the 2010 Digital Azbee Awards. Submission deadline is August 10. Entry frees are lower than other contests, and the award program was developed by in-the-trenches editors for editors. Choose … read more

Yahoo Style Guide: Web Stands on its Own

By Maureen Alley Recently Yahoo launched its Style Guide for the Web. Up until now, we’ve relied on our print style guides and adapted them to our Web presence. Oftentimes, the print writing style doesn’t apply to the … read more