Can You Invade a Corporation’s Privacy?

In this post, Steven Roll, ASBPE-immediate past president, looks at a case that could impact journalists’ ability to obtain corporate information uncovered as part of a criminal investigation. Does disclosing information gathered as part of a criminal investigation … read more

Personal Blog, Professional Success

In this post, Steven Roll, ASBPE immediate-past president explains why starting a personal blog can be a springboard to professional success. Moments before B2B editorial consultant Paul Conley was about to deliver his keynote address at ASBPE’s 2008 … read more

Are Tweets and Likes on the Record?

In this post, Steven Roll, ASBPE past president looks at the growing trend of articles that include quotes taken from virtual social media venues such as Twitter and Facebook. Left unchecked, the practice increases the likelihood of producing … read more

Write an Operating Manual

In this post, Jim Carper, chief editor of Dairy Foods, tells us why it would be a good idea to start the year off by writing an operating manual for how to operate our respective publications. Doing so … read more

Keep Your E-News in Fighting Shape!

In this post, editorial management consultant Howard Rauch with Editorial Solutions Inc. gives you the practical advice you need to ensure your e-news content stands out from the rest. When competitive analysis of e-news content becomes a regular … read more

What Would Seth Godin Do?

In this post, immediate-past president Steven Roll, explains why he believes Seth Godin may have the answer to journalists affected by the recent turmoil in the B2B publishing industry. B2B media consultant and blogger Paul Conley ended 2008 … read more