Young Leader Spotlight: Sam Oches, ‘QSR’ magazine

In this series, we spotlight B2B leaders who entered the field during the recent period of massive change and quickly assumed leadership roles. For November, we talk to Sam Oches, editor of “QSR” magazine. Understanding the food-service industry’s supply chain is one of the challenges that this 27-year-old B2B editor faces. … read more

The Passing Of A Publishing Giant

By Mark Schlack On March 19, 2014, Pat McGovern died after a long and storied 50+ year career in publishing. He was the founder and owner of International Data Group, one of the prime movers in the technology … read more

Tips For New Beats

Top B2B editors last week shared tips on how to get started on a new beat during a Society of American Business Editors and Writers webcast. The best advice? Get out there and meet people, don’t be afraid … read more